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Hey Gym Moms - Xcel for Boys!


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USAG is now allowing an Xcel program for boys. I hope this brings many new boys to the sport and keeps many from quitting like they do after level 5 or 6. Maybe it will encourage more girls gyms to start up teams for boys instead of them having to quit at age 6-7 after they get too good for rec classes.



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In that thread I linked to someone described a boy in their state who competed girls Xcel because there were no boys teams he could compete on within an hour from home.


My metro area has five gyms with boys teams and it is still fairly common for parents to drive their boys 45-60 minutes to practice because the closer gyms aren't a good fit. I am currently sitting in another gym because it look like Tigger will be moving to gym number three because gym two is no longer a good fit.

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What is Excel? My youngest boy switched to the girls high school gymnastics team senior year when he no longer wanted the heavy time commitment of his regular team. He refused to do balance beam (worried about landing on the beam) or floor (because he didn't want to make the girls look bad) but he did the rest. He was light enough to do the uneven bars without breaking them and short enough that it was possible for him to do it. Another option might have been nice. Although now that I think about it, he was not unhappy about working out with a new set of girls, ones he hadn't grown up with. : )



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Maybe it will encourage more girls gyms to start up teams for boys instead of them having to quit at age 6-7 after they get too good for rec classes.


But there would still be an issue of finding qualified boys coaches. I'm not going to say I'm anti-excel, but I was definitely anti-excel until people began to take it halfway seriously in this state. Those early meets were terrifying.

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Wait, but I want to say that just a couple of months ago I was talking to a couple of coaches who both agreed that if boys had something like excel, they would have stayed in the sport. And I know plenty of stories where girls are really happy about it, so I can see it being a good thing. I just worry from a professional perspective.

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How many hours is level 5 at your son's gym?

You didn't ask me, but boys' JO at our gym is:


Level 4 - 4 hours (2 days)

Level 5 - 8 hours (3 days)

Level 6 - 12 hours (4 days per week)

Level 7 - not sure but I think 20 plus



Personally, I don't see boys' excel being offerred at our gym unless it's done by the rec coaches. Maybe as something similar to the ninja program? Our team coaches are already stretched thin time wise as it is.

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Wait, but I want to say that just a couple of months ago I was talking to a couple of coaches who both agreed that if boys had something like excel, they would have stayed in the sport. And I know plenty of stories where girls are really happy about it, so I can see it being a good thing. I just worry from a professional perspective.

Girls excel bronze and silver are still 12 hours per week at our gym. Level 5 girls are at 20 plus. While excel is a reduction, those hours IMHO are still ridiculous. I really thought this was the whole purpose of JD - giving boys who want less practice hours an opportunity? Unless they are using this as a feeder to JD - the sample routines seem like a jumble of level 4-6 skills.

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Girls excel bronze and silver are still 12 hours per week at our gym. Level 5 girls are at 20 plus. While excel is a reduction, those hours IMHO are still ridiculous.

Ah, the top few gyms here have platinum/diamond at 9 hours; only a couple have 12. One of the bigger gyms had bronze girls at 3 hours/week and silver at 4! But then again, not many gyms here have JO workouts like other states. Usually, 9-12h compulsory, 16-20 for level 7+. I can only think of three gyms that have daytime workouts.


Eta: as far as making it a feeder, as far as I know, that is not how it is working for the girls side. Weird, but still potentially neat.

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But there would still be an issue of finding qualified boys coaches. I'm not going to say I'm anti-excel, but I was definitely anti-excel until people began to take it halfway seriously in this state. Those early meets were terrifying.

My son said he was terrified for his public school teammates because they hadn't done enough conditioning to safety do the routines they were practising, and they hadn't been taught some of the fundamentals. The meets were pretty scary. We were told that it took lots of hours to learn to do the fun stuff, which is how we wound up being 4 or 5 days at the gym each week. Mine weren't in it for the competitions.


I hope excel contains enough conditioning and fundamentals to do some of the fun stuff safely.



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