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I had planned for us to do Derek Owens this fall for precalculus. However, with husband earning a lot less, I am wondering if perhaps I should switch over and have us do Math Without Borders. I am also open to other people's suggestions. Thanks!

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Derick Owen's pre-calculus is a really good program, but it didn't work for my daughter.  She really disliked the format.  It's nice to pay by the month without a contract though.  I wish looking back I had found a good online class for her, but that depends on the student of course.  The cost over 9 months (the maximum you have to pay for DO) would have been about the same.  I didn't know about Math without Borders then.  It would have been a much cheaper alternative. 

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We did not do Math without Borders but I looked at his problem assignments for ideas - we used the Foerster Precalc for a summer supplement after DS' insufficient B&M Precalc.

I can tell you that it is a chaellenging HW set.  If a future STEM major go for it !




maybe use Thinkwell see:






OR see



Edited by MarkT
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What is his half priced option? How do I find it?


I haven't done it myself, so hopefully someone who has chimes in. As I understand it, you email him and let him know you are interested in the self grading/ half price option and they set you up with solutions to everything in addition to whatever you would normally get access to. You grade and track everything.

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