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German with Mittelpunkt?

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Is anyone aware of online or distance course options which use the Mittelpunkt texts (specifically B1+ through C1 levels)?


We're looking for content beyond Deutsch Aktuell or Komm Mit, which we have already used, and roughly only reach B1 level (third year HS) competency.



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Not 'Online of Distance courses that uses Mittelpunkt texts'.

We will use Berliner Platz Neu and will start B1 next year.

Berliner Platz has also a B2 book but not a C1 one.


But we will work through the books ourselves and (hopefully) send dd to a German immersion camp like we do with French already.

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That sounds like what we are doing.  We have a native speaker nearby who provides tutoring, and Mittelpunkt is immersion-style.  The Goethe Institut requires it, and it seems to be one of the few which move into C1.


We just thought it would be nice to add some additional content.  We'll probably continue to use Deutsche Welle online for that (it's free, and has a good bit of variety).

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We use this serie as leveled readers for german:



And this for German Literatur:


It is a dutch site but the German section (Duits) is mostly in German.

'Niveau' means 'level'.

Niveau 6 is geared to the excellent grade 12 student.

In the lower and intermediate level assignments are available along the books.


For more German literature one might want to dig to posts from Joan in Geneva and I thought also from Sebastian (a lady)

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That sounds like what we are doing.  We have a native speaker nearby who provides tutoring, and Mittelpunkt is immersion-style.  The Goethe Institut requires it, and it seems to be one of the few which move into C1.


We just thought it would be nice to add some additional content.  We'll probably continue to use Deutsche Welle online for that (it's free, and has a good bit of variety).


I think the whole problem is that no one in America really uses the European texts outside of the Goethe Institut and German Saturday Schools, so there aren't going to be any online courses that use it - they'll all use American style texts, where the explanations are in English and the texts are easily bought (most European texts have to be bought from European sites, and on top of that they often won't sell you the teacher materials - which are necessary since there's expected to be a lot of teaching not explicit in the student text - unless the teacher has an account with them, which might be difficult if you're not a teacher in an institutional school).


Couldn't you have your tutor go thorough Mittelpunkt with your ds?


Once you're more advanced in language learning is to read, read, read in the language, best is just above your level.  Have you got access to German films?  The Goethe Institut often has a library.

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This is something of an aside, but I am such a fan I think it's worth noting: Several years ago, the then-head of the British Museum organized an exhibit called "Germany: Memories of a Nation," and there is a series of 30 podcasts that goes along with it.  You can find them at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04dwbwz/episodes/player.  I'd start with the episode on Goethe (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04k6rcd) and you can see how you like it.

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