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Accountability Thread: 4/30-5/6

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Good morning. Last day of April and the welcome to May. I'm off school for two weeks before summer quarter. I have housekeeping, cooking and writing to do today. I ought to be in planning mode, but I think I'll give myself a few days off first.

Once I've decompressed, I need to decide if I want to continue with the same subjects this summer or take a break from French. I think I'd rather not. Language is easy to lose without keeping the vocabulary fresh. The boys have been pleased with the shorter days we've had for April--that was a good call. I'll have to see if we can keep that shorter day through early summer. After July, we might as well go all day because the weather will be good for nothing, except for steaming a person in his clothes.

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Day 1 of break. I think today and tomorrow are mostly going to be cleaning and cooking. I have work later in the week that will take up all of my time. For today, I think I'll do some writing this morning, then a little cooking, and then some cleaning. That's probably all I'm going to accomplish, but that's plenty.

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So far, not so good. I did a scheduled part replacement on our color laser printer/copier and it won't work now. I just got back from taking it to the one place in town that "might" work on it. Nobody in town does printers--because they are "cheap". Color laser printers in my book are not "cheap." 

I'm just glad I didn't try replacing the part last week when I still needed copying for school! So at least now I have two weeks to get it repaired or find a replacement option.

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Critter, I hope they are able to get it fixed for you.


My eye exam was disheartening, I need glasses and not just any glasses, I have to have bifocals 😡, and I have an astigmatism. So, tomorrow, I go in to get glasses for me and youngest who also has an astigmatism and needs minor corrections. Oldest will just get new lenses and use his old frames. We did manage to get to our piano lesson and get spelling done for youngest. Oldest did his Latin, math and literature.

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Well, we did fix it. But we had to put the old part back in. The new part is either not the right part, or is a bad part. So I have a functional printer again for now. I got my housekeeping done and one of my cooking projects done. I see an early bedtime in my future.


My son has bifocals. He seemed to adjust really well, and evidently he sees much better with them, because whenever it's time for school or he wants to read, he goes and gets his glasses.

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We have some vision insurance which helped, so I don't know that I'd be the one to ask. I paid more so that we could get transition lenses which were not covered. We spend a lot of time out on the river, and I really, really appreciate the sun protection. 


I don't know what I'll get done today. I woke up at four with a pounding headache and nausea. I'm still not great. I've got the chores done (mostly) and have started some cooking, but I think I might be looking at less accomplished today than I'd hoped.

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Laundry, math, literature, Latin, spelling, Spanish and music practice on the schedule for today. Also, calling CC's and dealing with fraud issues, sigh! I do so hate people who take from others. Mid week service tonight, hopefully, my mood will be lifted.


Critter-how are you today.


Jean-how's are you?

Edited by mama25angels
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Laundry, math, literature, Latin, spelling, Spanish and music practice on the schedule for today. Also, calling CC's and dealing with fraud issues, sigh! I do so hate people who take from others. Mid week service tonight, hopefully, my mood will be lifted.


Critter-how are you today.


Jean-how's are you?


I'm fine.  Still overwhelmed but that appears to be my normal.  Dd is doing her thing in school for the most part.  I really need to catch up in grading so that I get a better picture of where we are in our schoolwork etc.  Rocky (dog) actually let me sleep all night last night so I might be able to concentrate better and get some grading done today. 

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Jean- I'm so glad you got a good night's rest!


I'm having a not great day we've had tears, I'm snippy and short tempered, because Netflix charged my CC even though I had not given them my new card number. I didn't cancel the account so I understand that it was my fault, it just pisses me off that they can charge your card without getting the new number from you and in essence getting permission. I'm so looking forward to a few weeks off next month. Thinking of using one of my audible credits to make myself feel better.

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Good morning ladies, I'm feeling a bit better today but I do think I'll be taking a nap as I didn't sleep well last night. Our schedule for today is math, piano practice, dentist appointment, Latin and everything else if we can get to it. I hope everyone has a great day and "May the 4th be with you!" Lol!

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Morning ladies! Another night of horrible sleep, I think I'm quitting today! I'm going to reschedule my appointment, let my dd take herself to work, do an even lighter day of school and call this week good enough. I'm really looking into a different setup for school next year. Actually, I'm thinking of doing what critter does and working for 6wks with a week off for appointments and other stuff. That way we'd have nothing but emergencies disrupting our flow. Anyway,just something I'm kicking around in my head.

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We could use a lot of prayers here. Big thunderstorms. I don't know why or how (barometric pressure?) but I was in intense pain all night to the point where I barely slept. Of course Ds has a earlier than normal exam. I don't know how much or how well he slept. He said that he was going to stay up but I didn't see his light on. Anyway... I hope that both of us can function.



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I'm tired out from working half of the week, but now I can rest. Should get back into the swing of things next week. I have planning to do, but right now I feel that lying around is the best thing I can do for myself.

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Critter-please get some rest!  Hope the rest of your time off is relaxing.


Nothing much here today.  My eldest boys and DH are at a race so, it's just me, dd, and two younger ones.  We're gonna head out to a special dinner and then decide what we're gonna from there.

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