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Life of Fred pre-algebra


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We will be starting Singapore Math 5A, although we do LoF on Fridays (ice cream book at the moment). Once we complete SM through 6B, I am thinking to transition to LoF pre-algebra. After that, maybe use Jacob's or Foerster's Algebra I book. I am also considering Art of Problem Solving pre-algebra instead of LoF. There are so many decisions, but know I want a math program that is thorough and not light. So far all my kids seem to be math-minded and have interests that require math in their futures. 


Has anyone tried the LoF pre-algebra series??? I am so curious if I included books 1 and 2 for part of their school year in 6th grade that it would help to solidify math further and prepare them for Algebra 1. 

Edited by bfw0729
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My dd is in sixth. Next year she'll be starting AoPS pre-A. To finish up this year I have her working through LoF Pre-A. She'll likely finish book 0 inn two more weeks. She'll written through book 1 over the summer, maybe book 2 of time permits.


We are using it because we finished or math for the year, its at my library, and to give her some practice prior to the fall.

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dd (6th) has been working through them, meandering really, for a while now. I quite liked the 0 book especially, dd is liking 1 better.

She was doing BA5 at the same time, and is now doing Jousting Armadillos and Russian Math 6. I figure when we finish JA and LoF we'll try AoPS...

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We've worked through the pre-algebra series.


We loved biology and physics, but really didn't like economics. I just found bits of it to be a bit weird, almost preachy and political. So, we put that one aside.


We're currently on LoF Beginning Algebra, but also working through AoPS pre-alg for depth and also an Australian maths textbook + some Zaccarro. We like to have choices :)



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