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Applying for a job...am I crazy?

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So, money is pretty tight these days for everyone. I am applying for a job as a "Care Asisstant" at our local children's hospital. It is an aide for the nurse. I have been wanting to go back to school for nursing after the boys are done with school (I think) and this would be a good opportunity to see if I would like nursing. Anyway, the shift is from 4PM to 1:30 AM. I *think* I could pull this off and still homeschool, we just may start school later....like at 10AM. I also will possibly be starting to watch some good friends infant in the spring. I just hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew. Needing two incomes and homeschooling is TOUGH! Oh and if I go to work for this hospital, they will pay for my entire schooling when and if I decide to go for my nursing degree. What do you think?? Am I crazy?! I would love some advice.....does anyone work AND homeschool?

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I don't think you're crazy. I think you would need to have the support of your family to make sure it works. My dad worked 2:30 to 10:30 for his entire career and while it was different it was necessary.


My ds and I don't start school until 10am, we are not morning people. Lately I've been having insomnia and really get about 4 to 5 hours sleep a night. we still function at school. Can you have a quiet time after school where you can get a few hours sleep before work?


Having your spouse be supportive would be the kicker for me. He would have to be on board.


I don't think I could handle watching an infant, working, and homeschooling, but you may be more resilient that you think.

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I work 4 nights a week, from 4 p.m. to midnight, give or take an hour. My kids are 15 and 13, know how to cook and do the chores, and their dad is home by 5 or so, and it works for us. How many days per week would you be working?


These hours are tough. I'm tired in the morning, so the kids start work on their own if possible. You could start the day later so you could catch up on rest.


If you do this, I wouldn't take on the infant as well. You'll be too tired and I don't think you'd have time to homeschool and give your kids personal attention. They'll want that after you've been gone all evening and are no longer there to put them to bed. Even my teens miss this so I know it's true.


The hospital paying for your education would be tempting. Very tempting. You never know when you might need a well-paying job such as nursing.


If working at night sounds like it's too much, just take care of the infant. You will likely have other working/training opportunities when the kids get a bit older.

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So, money is pretty tight these days for everyone. I am applying for a job as a "Care Asisstant" at our local children's hospital. It is an aide for the nurse. I have been wanting to go back to school for nursing after the boys are done with school (I think) and this would be a good opportunity to see if I would like nursing. Anyway, the shift is from 4PM to 1:30 AM. I *think* I could pull this off and still homeschool, we just may start school later....like at 10AM. I also will possibly be starting to watch some good friends infant in the spring. I just hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew. Needing two incomes and homeschooling is TOUGH! Oh and if I go to work for this hospital, they will pay for my entire schooling when and if I decide to go for my nursing degree. What do you think?? Am I crazy?! I would love some advice.....does anyone work AND homeschool?


Wow, that just sounds like so much with three little ones at one... and also possibly watching an infant in the spring.... all I can tell you is that I don't think I could do it unless I absolutely *had* to-- as in, we have no money for food and basic necessities. I couldn't do it for just extra money, or for personal fulfillment.


In my opinion, being a wife/homemaker/homeschooler is more than one full-time job already. Could your husband help pick up the slack financially? For our family, we've decided that it works better for us for dh to be completely in charge of bringing in money-- if his full-time job isn't enough at any given time, he will take on freelance work, or work a part-time job in the evening if necessary. I realize not every family can do this, or even wants to do this, but that's what works best for us.



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