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Stomachaches in kids - HELP!

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My eight year old niece has had terrible stomach pains off and on for the past four months. My sister has taken her to the doctor several times and they can't figure out what's wrong. They had her take some medicine that helps with GERD and there were no pains during those two weeks, but she has gone two weeks without pain so sis doesn't know if it helped or if the pain just didn't occur. She has lots of vomiting with it and is just miserable.


They've done an ultrasound and don't see any cysts on major organs or anything.


Someone mentioned the possibility of RAP-- Recurring Abdominal Pain.


She did have chili right before the pains came and I suggested not giving her beans since they're hard to digest. I know there are digestive enzymes, but are there chewable ones for kids? I think I've heard of Stars? Could a kid take Bean-o every day without side effects?


We're hearing more and more stories of people who experienced childhood stomach pains and just "outgrew them." It sure would be nice to understand the whys and be able to prevent the pains and know how to give relief.


Any experiences or ideas?

Edited by mom2abcd
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My eight year old neice has had terrible stomach pains off and on for the past four months. My sister has taken her to the doctor several times and they can't figure out what's wrong. They had her take some medicine that helps with GERD and there were no pains during those two weeks, but she has gone two weeks without pain so sis doesn't know if it helped or if the pain just didn't occur.


They've done an ultrasound and don't see any cysts on major organs or anything.


Someone mentioned the possibility of RAP-- Recurring Abdominal Pain.


She did have chili right before the pains came and I suggested not giving her beans since they're hard to digest. I know there are digestive enzymes, but are there chewable ones for kids? I think I've heard of Stars? Could a kid take Bean-o every day without side effects?


We're hearing more and more stories of people who experienced childhood stomach pains and just "outgrew them." It sure would be nice to understand the whys and be able to prevent the pains and know how to give relief.


Any experiences or ideas?


Yum Yum Dophilus is a chewable probiotic. Don't quote me on the spelling.


My daughter gets abdominal migraines. You might want to google that and see if the symptoms line up. Good luck.

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Here is a thought...


Same thing happening to my ds7. The doctor suggested I look into Stomach Migraines. Have her google it and look at the symptoms. I didn't think anything like this existed, but it turns out that we have the same chemicals in our abdomen area as in our head...go figure? You treat it just like you would a migraine.

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Has she seen a gastroenterolgist? Has IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease...an autoimmune disease, not just irritable bowel) been ruled out? Crohn's disease can affect any part of the GI tract, from mouth to anus. I'd look further to find a cause for this if it continues.



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It sounds like you are describing my daughter almost 2 years ago. She was on nexium and eating the most bland diet you could imagine. She also had all the normal gastro tests you mentioned. Finally took her to a homeopathic doctor. She filled out a 12 page questioner and I found out she was horribly afraid of dh and I dying and she would have to raise her siblinbs by herself. Don't know how she came to that conclusion but it was real to her. Also afraid of dark, burglers, etc. In short she was anxious. 4 months on nat mur and long discussions of how she would not have to raise her siblings and learning to trust in God. She does not have any problems now. Just something to think about. HTH

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Thanks for the responses. I googled Abdominal Migraines and it sounds like that could be it. I forgot to tell you that she is in so much pain that she also vomits til there's nothing left.


This website had a lot of stories from real people sharing things that helped. http://www.migrainepage.com/dcforum/children/87.html


Acupuncture or "Colocynthus 30X" ...the same thing they give for colicky babies would be simple to try.

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How do they diagnose abdominal migraines? My ds8 gets stomachaches regularly and they last for varying amounts of time. Some days he is doubled over for a while. Then, he'll be fine and running around. It's weird. Off to google. . .



This is exactly what happens to my ds7. For him, though, the pain seems to be worse at night. We also have a history of migraines in the family, he being one of them. After I have given him Tylenol, I make him lie in a dark room with a cold wash clothe over his eyes and do my best to keep him hydrated. When I notice them flaring up regularly, I do place him on the BRAT diet...bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast...for a few days. Seems to help a bit.

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This is exactly what happens to my ds7. For him, though, the pain seems to be worse at night. We also have a history of migraines in the family, he being one of them. After I have given him Tylenol, I make him lie in a dark room with a cold wash clothe over his eyes and do my best to keep him hydrated. When I notice them flaring up regularly, I do place him on the BRAT diet...bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast...for a few days. Seems to help a bit.



Interesting - ds' pain is worse at night too. My other kids tease him saying that he's just trying to get out of going to bed. We also have a history of migraines on dh's side. Ds usually feels like he's hungry with the stomaches and then won't eat when it's put in front of him and says he has to throw up (but never does). Next time, I'll try Advil or Tylenol and see if that helps. Thanks!!

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