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What ages for health documentaries like Supersize Me?


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I'm looking for shows on Netflix and Amazon to supplement the health unit we are doing at home for the youngest kids. I hope to find something that explores the consequences of an unhealthy diet and lack of movement. I watched Supersize Me years ago, but I don't remember enough to judge whether it's appropriate for young children.

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Fair enough. Is there anything on video that you (all y'all, lol) know of that discusses healthy eating and exercise and is geared toward children?

I'd love an answer to this as well. Some of the videos are ridiculous. Referring to milk as 'mammary fluid'. I feel like, if you have to sink to those levels (just grossing people out), your facts must not be that great.

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DS loved Supersize Me; there wasn't a lot of new information presented for him, but it did provide a great jumping off point for lots of terrific questions and discussions. I think he was 11; it was definitely appropriate (for him, anyway) at that age.

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