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I � R&S writing lessons.


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I have used R&S English for years, avoided the writing lessons because, you know, All the Opinions.😊


I decided that combined with loads of literature and written narrations, then applying what we learn to writing across the curriculum....we're good.


That is all.😊

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I've always used it. Even now in high school, my 9th grader is finishing up the 8th grade book with the writing lessons, plus adding WWS I lessons too. 


I did go ahead and purchase the writing/rhetoric books listed in WTM for 10th grade for next year (the ones she had listed under 9th grade.) and she will just do the R&S grammar lessons, not the writing for the first time. But even then, I think I will still have her read the writing lessons in R&S, because it does cover a lot too. It won't hurt her to just continue reading a lesson a day. 


My current 7th grader is in R&S 5 right now. She does the writing lessons from it. I don't have any plans to change her until around 10th grade either. We add in writing assignments in other places. We do the outlining from history ala WTM, etc. That has always worked here with R&S. 


ETA: FLL was new then, and WWE didn't even exist, so I just used the R&S and writing across the curric. I did pick up WWS for middle school,  but we never had time to work it entirely until this year. 

Edited by 2_girls_mommy
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I swear I remember in the early versions of WTM I read that you should R&S and if you did another writing program then you didn't have to do the writing in R&S. I did read in the current version, checking the rhetoric portion for dd's 10th grade year next year, that it does specifically say  do NOT do the R&S writing in grades 9/10. So that is why I am stopping next year. 


I haven't checked the younger grades to see if my memory is wrong about it being ok to use R&S in the grammar stage (to which I just carried into the logic.)  or if it did and has changed in the current version, because it works for us. We just always did the writing across the curriculum as well- pen pal letters, copywork, dictation, narration, summaries, outlining, etc. No reason for me to stop it with my current middle child. 



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