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Boy Scouts--is there an app for tracking merit badge reqs?


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If not, can you share a link to an organizational tool of any kind that helped your scout?  Ds has to jam a LOT in to make Eagle and organization is key to his motivation so I'd like to help him out by showing him a better way than whatever it is he's doing now.  LOL  He loves apps for organizing his schoolwork so I thought that would be a good option.

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Yes, he is 16 now, I need to update my signature, oh my!  LOL!!  We use meritbadge.org all the time, he just has a lot of badges to work on simultaneously and he's getting overwhelmed so we need to organize it and also make sure he is on a timely schedule to get it all done by 18!  


We DID find this:  https://www.scoutmode.com/  No idea how this compares to the BSA's "Scoutbook".

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My son made himself an excel workbook.


The key for him was have two going at a time...one with long term reqts and one without. Be aware of seasonal things...for ex swimming is tough here because the local pool is closed when school is not in session so limited hours to meet with mbc.


The other key was taking the training for den chief. Only offered once per year, but our troop won't let anyone be den chief without it. In a large troop where one may not get elected at the right time to progress due to numbers, one needs to have den chief in mind for leadership reqts.

Edited by Heigh Ho
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Well, if he doesn't mind the old fashioned way--he can always use the list in the back of his handbook!


What Eagle mbs does he still need? If he hasn't finished Personal Management and Personal Fitness yet, get going on those as they have fairly lengthy timelines. 


What electives does he have? Could he hit a mb rally or two and get a pile done?


What rank is he now?


He is ranking up twice in the next few months finally; he was having issues with the swim test requirement so that's all he's waiting on.  And he is almost done with both of those badges for Eagle.  We need to tackle Hiking and the Citizenship badges!  (He's almost done with C. in the Comm., though.)  He has 4-5 other badges "open" right now and he's not been good about just getting them DONE so I'm trying to urge him by giving him some tools that will fit his way of doing things.

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Yes I think I got all of that, Margaret, thank you very much!  What makes it tough is that this is a disorganized troop, IMO.  I can't remember the last time anyone worked on requirements/advancement at a troop meeting--except when ds was earning his Chess badge and had everyone do games/tournaments so that anyone who also wanted to complete requirements could.  Ds was just made senior patrol leader, so he's trying to figure out how much he can get away with working on!  It sounds like your troop keeps on top of moving people forward, to some degree at least!  Parent meetings are every month--which we can only occasionally attend--and yet somehow NO parents or scouts were informed that the early bird registration for summer camp  was passing us by...stuff like that.  


We are considering changing troops but I don't know if that would be a huge hassle this late in the game.  Ds just turned 16 last month.

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Well, what DO they do in meetings? Not mbs, but advancement is supposed to be happening then. For instance: this evening, our older boys worked with younger boys on lashing and knots. One boy got EDGE signed off, one had a BoR for his first Eagle Palm (boy, was he surprised when he found out that it wasn't the BoR that he's used to, but a chance to step up as almost an adult in the troop--he's a JASM now), the boys had a Greenbar (patrol meeting) so they'll be ready for committee meeting tomorrow night, the boys planned Camporee, one boy announced his next Eagle work session, two boys worked with a mbc (not doing a mb as a group, but individually), I talked to an almost-Life Scout about ideas for Eagle projects (he has a really good possibility in mind), and worked on the proposal for his brother's Eagle project (it's going to be a great one). The boys know that if they come to meetings, they will advance in rank. It's up to the older boys to teach the younger Scouts to make sure they're advancing. We've found, without advancement, we lose Scouts. 


I hope your ds can get the troop moving!


Thank you for sharing all of this!  We don't have a clue what a meeting *should* look like, honestly.  I'm going to show this to ds and he will take it up with the Scoutmaster, who is a good guy, just so disorganized!  lol

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