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FLL 4 - Never thought I'd say this but . . .


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I'm tired of FLL.  My kids are tired of FLL.  We used to love it, but the repetitive nature is getting to us.  I'm skipping the poems because we memorize other poems from other places this year.  I do it with my fifth and fourth graders while the the second grader is in the background doing his printing practice and (hopefully) absorbing a little.  We're all of us getting irritable and bored while we're using it, so I think I'd like something else.  Suggestions?  We've done FLL 1-3 and are about 1/4 of the way through 4.  I may drop it until the fall and pick up something new, or I may start now if I'm motivated enough.  I wouldn't mind something more independent, but both older kids have varying degrees of dyslexia and dysgraphia, so a ton of reading and writing is not preferable. 



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I agree!!   Put that grammar book on the shelf mama and go for a walk!    EVERYTHING is going to repeat again in her future books.   OR, if you switch to another program, they will start right back at the beginning with nouns.  :)   (But I wouldn't necessarily jump ship yet.  It sounds more like you need a break than a new program.)   


So I vote for shelving the book and calling grammar finished for the year.    Just keep reviewing memory work / lists occasionally.    Maybe, occasionally, put a sentence on the board (from the FLL 4 book) and have the older kids parse it or diagram it.   

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Last week we decided to put all 3 levels of FLL we were using on the shelf for the rest of this year. Bored and irritable exactly describes our feelings toward it. We've been on the verge of dropping it most of this school year. My oldest is burned out on it and the other two hate the repetition, even though I tried to cut as much out as possible. I don't know if we will pick FLL back up next year or go with something else. I'm leaning toward finding something more independent for all 3. And to be honest, I'm not 100% convinced that grammar needs to be done every year. I'm kinda leaning towards the Bravewriter recommendation of hitting it once in elementary, once in middle school and once in high school. That idea no doubt strikes horror in the hearts of the grammar lovers LOL! But we do not love it.

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Yup, maybe you're right.  I've never felt like this about before.  I loved it and so did my kids!  But maybe it is time to drop it.  March is my burn out month, then spring comes . . . maybe it's time to start lightening up a little so I can start to pretend that it's almost time for summer break!


My kids do kind of like diagramming, especially dd, but other than that, maybe I'll just let it go for a while. 


(and start look at more independent, middle school grammar program)  


Thanks for the suggestions

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I really like the series, but don't want to use level 4 yet another time next year.


I am either going to use MCT for a year instead (Town level, which I own), which would be a light year, go to Rod and Staff 4, or maybe go to Rod and Staff 5 which I also already own, and just move at a slower pace so that it will take a year and a half to finish, then go to level 6, and so on. But I am waiting to see the new WTM grammar for logic stage, because I was thinking I could do the same thing with it, start and just go slower.


Junior Analytical grammar looks like another choice that might be nice for one year, a lighter year just to retain knowledge learned and keep practice.

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We don't do FLL 1 or 2 and spread FLL 3 and 4 over 3 years (3rd - 5th) skipping the poems and narrations because we do those activities in other subjects. We alternate a week of FLL with a week of IEW during these 3 years so they don't get too tired of either one.

Finishing just FLL 3 and 4 are plenty sufficient to begin Analytical Grammar in 6th through 8th, which is what we do next. Then grammar is done except for a review exercise every 2 or 3 weeks in high school.


All of that is a long way of saying that I think you're fine to take a break! 🙂


Sent from my Z988 using Tapatalk

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