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What just happened to the mobile version?


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I was scrolling the Hive on my phone, and suddenly it switched to the Desktop version (I swear I did not hit the 'Full version' button on the bottom... I think...?)  - and now I can't figure out how to get it back.  Didn't there use to be a switch to Mobile version button somewhere?  I've scrolled around on different screens, and can't find it?  Am I losing my mind?

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At the very, very bottom of the page there is a "use mobile version" option. Bottom left. Just to the right of that is "change theme"


Yes, that's exactly where I thought it was.  But it's gone.  Now there's just the orange RSS button, and "change theme" is next to it.


What's extra crazy-making is that it's gone both on my phone AND on my desktop version (so it's not just my phone).  Other people can still use it?  Can people on the desktop version still see "Use Mobile Version".?  'Cause all of a sudden, on two devices, it's just GONE.


Okay, just checked my dd's iphone, and it's Mobile there.  So now maybe I'm thinking I accidentally pressed the Use Desktop Version button after all...? the problem is there's no way baaaack....  Can everyone check their desktop version and see if that Use Mobile link is still there?  Why would it be gone?


Oy, that must be it.  I just closed the tab on my phone  and opened a new one, and it automatically came up in Mobile.  I must have hit the Desktop button by mistake.  But there needs to be a link back again...

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