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Singapore US or Standards Edition


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This is my first post. I am such a fan of Singapore Math that I had to come out of the shadows and respond.


like the Standards Edition. It has a lot of reviews. After a new topic is taught, there is a review of everything up to that point. Sometimes it seems like too many so we just do the ones in the workbook.


For manipulatives I use the multi link cubes and cuisinaire rods. I love the rods.

I also love Singapore so much that when I heard the standards Edition would be replaced by a common core Edition that I bought all the workbooks up through 5B for my then 1st grader. I've used it with my three sons.


I don't know a lot about the other Edition. I bought the Standards for the extra reviews.

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My most used manipulative have been my base-10 set. I have also gotten mileage out of my linking cubes. Both are not necessary. Some people love and would not do without their cuisenaire rods, but I am not a big fan of those. So it depends.

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We used the Standards Edition because that's what they had. I'm not a big on "teaching to the test" so I'll use anything that I feel teaches the material properly (properly being relative and subjective).


As for manipulatives, I wanted to keep everything abstract so we just used anything lying around at the time. The idea is not to get hung up on any one thing representing a given value (i.e., 10 has to be this long or this color or whatever).


At 1st and 2nd I made sure that the ideas are imposed on the objects rather than the objects enforce the idea. That way you will know immediately if they don't understand.

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I prefer US Edition because it doesn't overwhelm with review. It has plenty of review for us, but not every single lesson. We supplement with Intensive Practice.


I also like it because it has simple, clean, non-colorful pages, which seems to work well for me and my kids. We all have ADD and the simpler the layout, the better!


I wasn't hs for first grade, so I can't help you there.


Edited for missing words

Edited by LisLisaKG75
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