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Oppinions on Addition Facts That Work/Subtraction Facts that Work?


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Addition book was fabulous! Loved the games & activities. I have passed my copy on to my FIL who volunteers at an after school program for English Language Learners (who speak his heritage language). These kids speak little English and most are struggling to learn math facts (in addition to their difficulties learning to read). He hopes to bring in some of Kate Snow's ideas to make the work the volunteers do more engaging and effective.


I haven't seen the subtraction book yet.

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I am currently using the addition book with my 6 yo dd.  She enjoys it very much, but it hasn't been the miracle I had hoped.  BUT we are dealing with some learning difficulties (possibly dyslexia), so that changes things a bit.  I really wish it had been around when my now 9 yo was struggling with fact memorization.  She would have loved the games and visualizations taught in these books.

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