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The Teachers Lounge 3-8-2017


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It's Wonderful Wednesday!


What's every one up to today? Here: meeting someone for coffee in about an hour and a half. Followed by schooling with the kids. Right now, focused on waking up!


Anyone have a pet that likes to sleep on their feet? Here: every time I'm at the computer, my dog likes to sit by my feet and sometimes even ON my feet!  :) That's okay, I kinda like it.


How many of you have more than one pet? Here: we have a dog and two cats.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good morning!


I'm doing some school with ds this morning and early afternoon. I'll go this afternoon to tutor the math student's at the women's ministry. We'll have dinner before going to church. I help in Awana there.


Interesting you should bring up pets because I have a pet question. We don't have inside pets, so none sleep at my feet. We do have two outside cats who have access to inside our garage for sleeping and shelter.


My question is that we have a girl cat who had a wound on her hip last week. She is staying inside the garage like all day. I am wondering if she got attacked by an animal or cat and is afraid to go out now. Does that sound normal if she did?


We had never owned cats before these and only owned a dog when we had a house with a fenced in yard. We gave him away when we moved. Dh fed a stray cat almost 4 years ago, and she stayed and was pregnant. She had 7 kittens, and we gave 5 away. Dh was laid off then, so money was tight. I was able to have all three (her and the 2 we kept) fixed through a grant with Petsmart. The only boy we kept died mysteriously while we were on a trip to DC.  Our neighbor found him in the yard and called us. He told us the wrong name, so we grieved the loss of a different cat. When we got home and found her, we had to go through it all again over him. 







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She may need medical attention. Cats generally aren't afraid if they're always outside animals. If she's not going out, she may need attention. 

Can you get close enough to check to see if the wound is infected?


Funny how you ask and then the problem is solved! The wound seemed to be healing. I went in the garage to look at it again, and she wasn't there. It's a beautiful day here, but we've had other nice days. I went out front and she was on the porch semi-sunning herself. I guess she's fine or at least the weather was so nice, she couldn't resist! 


She has always been easily startled and very skittish, so maybe a fight put her on guard more than usual?

Edited by mom31257
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Today: School, went grocery shopping with my oldest son, big kids are off to work in about an hour, little one going on a hike with the rest of the 8-year-olds in his Cub Scout den this afternoon, middle two have activities at church tonight.


Pet sleeping on my feet: Yes, my dog does.  She likes to sleep on whatever part of me I'll let her sleep on.


More than one pet: We've got a dog (Lola), two guinea pigs (Hera and Demeter), and two sugar gliders (Filli and Kree)


We finally got the MRI report from Ani's upright MRI.  She has straightening of the neck, a 2mm subluxation at C4, several herniation between C4-7, and narrowing of the cerebrospinal fluid space.  She has POTS and probably has Ehlers-Danlos.  She sees the rheumatologist next week and the neurosurgeon the following week.  We're finally narrowing down what is causing all her pain and general horribleness.

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