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S/O of the Help Me Move thread - Frugally Moving?


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Considering this portion of things this morning. How do you move frugally, both in-state and out of state?


I can't drive, so renting a uhaul is out. In-state I probably can find someone willing to drive it up for me for pay, but out of state probably not. Would it be better to just sell almost everything & buy new / used in our new place? Ship the personal items? Make multiple plane trips & carry personal stuff from storage? Do one of the u-pack movers?

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Sell everything. Rebuy at thrift stores or secondhand shops.


I mean, small, light, sentimental, and valuable items you can keep/ship.


But unless your furniture is "investment" pieces, the cost of moving them will probably be a loss. But I've never bought new expensive furniture. Basic line from Ikea or second-hand has been my history.


Old, basic twin mattresses? Toss them. Buy new ones when you get to your new place. It won't cost much more than the cost of dragging them across state lines and maybe having them damaged, and you'll have new mattresses that have another 8 years of life to boot.


It's a PITA to move into an empty house and have to buy all over again. But if you've got to pinch pennies, then I think it's worth it long-term.


Books you can mail to yourself with media mail. Once you fill up a box, it's not too expensive. But even still, be ruthless in weeding them. Books are heavy.


If you can't drive it, the smallest u-pack is okay for OOS. Put the most valuable things in first and fill it to the gills, then shed the rest.

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The multiple plan trips idea isn't economical, because you can't bring much with you each trip, you have to drag it all through the airport on both ends, and by the time you pay for your round trip ticket, you could have spent the same money to UPS a lot more stuff.


A lot depends on how far you'll be moving from your current home and how many sympathetic friends you have who drive trucks or SUVs and who are willing to help you move.

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