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NLE Question

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We ordered and received the national Latin exam (level one) for homeschool. It turns out we may not be able to take it that week. So my question is if I discard the tests and don't use them, can I order level one for next year or will DD automatically pop into Level 2.

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When I talked to MP about the exams last year, they said you can take the same level more than once, though the NLE  won't particularly tell you that. 


MP told me this when I was deciding whether to put my 8th grader into the intro or level 1 last year. I was leaning towards intro since she had 4 years ahead of her to take the others, and I wanted her to be very successful. But they told me, no, try for the level 1 to get a gold. If she doesn't get a gold, I could still give her level 1 the next year or have a year built in for any year that she didn't get a gold, and she would have a chance at getting 4 golds.


In the end, mine got the gold for level 1, so she is moving on to level 2 this year for 9th, so I haven't actually tried to enroll her in the same level. But that is what MP told me anyway. 

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I don't think you should have a problem.


Last year I accidentally signed my DD for Latin 2 when her instructor recommended Latin 1 (the curriculum they use has a different progression, so they hadn't covered some of the necessary material yet.)  This year before signing up I called NLE and explained the situation, asking whether DD could take Latin 2 again.  I was told that it was no problem, as they know that homeschoolers frequently don't adhere to the regular school schedule anyway. 

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