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Should I switch to MIF?


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I'm currently using Singapore PM 1 with my 6yo and like it. I used Singapore 1-3 with my older kids before getting sick of the book shuffle (I had baby #4 right around then, which added to the desire to switch). I actually really prefer the drawings and smaller textbooks of Singapore PM to the photos and large textbooks of MIF. BUT when I read reviews like this one below, I wonder if MIF would be more streamlined and help me stick with it? My 6yo is currently using the 1a IP book instead of the workbook, partly because a free one came my way and partly because his comment about the pages I was giving him from the regular workbook was, "too easy" Day after day. I don't know that he will continue to need the IP books, level 1 is pretty easy after all. Maybe this book is just easy for him because he's been tagging along for years doing number bonds and c rod games with his big sister.


Primary Math is based on the old syllabus in the country of Singapore. They updated their syllabus and now use My Pals Are Here math, which was adapted for American schools under the name Math in Focus. The authors are Singaporean and it has essentially the same content as Primary Math, but with a much better presentation and more of an all-in-one package. You could literally just buy the textbook and be fine - all of the visuals are there (including photos of real manipulatives like linking cubes, base-10 blocks, etc.), all of teaching is clearly shown, and it's so easy to teach straight from the textbook. There are guided practice sections to do with your student and then practice for them to do alone (which we skip). Then it refers kids to the workbook for additional practice. There are challenge problems at the end of each lesson instead of in a separate workbook. I feel like the problems in the wb are more challenging than in PM - most chapters have 2-3 lessons working on a skill and then a lesson dedicated just to word problems. They sell extra practice wb, enrichment, assessments, reteach, etc. but we have only really used the textbook and regular workbook.


With PM you have a separate TM that tells you how to introduce concepts concretely, then a thin textbook without much explanation, a thin workbook, and then a bunch of optional workbooks to add more challenge or practice. It's not as attractive visually. It has hand drawn illustrations and just a few colors, while MIF has photos and is full color.

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I was thinking of switching after reading that too. I have a thread about it too. I would give the placement test from Signapore. Maybe he can handle a higher level. I did not find a placement test for MIF but I think the levels would be similar. I do not think it would be too hard to switch since they teach similar material but I do not have personal experience.

Edited by MistyMountain
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First, you can register to preview Math in Focus at HMH. That gives you access to the TM and textbooks, and you can even download the parts of each workbook.


You could buy the 1B textbook on Amazon to see it in person. There are used 2009 copies for $5 shipped right now. A new 2009 workbook is $11.38 (Prime).


The 2013 edition is very slightly different - those are about $9 shipped for the textbook, and you can get a workbook at Rainbow (didn't see one on Amazon). 


If it's too easy, compress lessons and move a little faster. My son started with 1A in kindergarten and is wrapping up 5B in 3rd grade. He has a great memory, so there have been many times we could compress the chapter opener ("quick check"), lesson 1 and lesson 2 into one day. There's also an enrichment workbook that takes the concepts in each chapter further with more puzzle-ish types of problems. You could follow each chapter with that, or save it for the end of the book as review.



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I'd hesitate to switch when you own what's working. What do you mean by easier to stick with it?

I switched my older son because I got really tired of juggling so many pieces. HIG, textbook, workbook, mental math pages, the need for another workbook to add in review.


I'm not concerned over the fact he thinks 1a is too easy. We're almost done with the a book anyway, and I know Singapore gets harder soon. What I'm debating over is whether MIF would be more all in one, and thus easier to use.

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We used some bits of Primary Math and one of my ds did MiF for a little while.


I think MiF is "easier" in that it's more contained, like you say. But I think Primary Math is "easier" in that you can customize it more easily to a child's needs because it has all those components and it's not necessary to do them all.


So... it depends.


Primary Math has the HIG's, but I understand that MiF now has a homeschool instruction guide that's put out by Calvert. So in that sense, they should be about equally accessible in terms of instruction guidance.

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