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Movie Making question

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At a science museum, my dd got to try making a short movie with "stop motion" photography. We think it is called that anyway. She would set up a scene, take a picture, move the pieces slightly, take another picture, and so on. Then she could play them back as a movie. Does anyone know what technology it would take to do this at home? Can you use digital cameras or digital camcorders, or does it take something else?


I would appreciate any advice! Thanks.

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If she gets the camera for Christmas, feel free to pm me. My boys are way into stop motion movies. They can be so much fun. I've used that option frequently for history narration substitutes. You'll be amazed at how creative and interesting they can be. You can definitely do it with the Windows software and once she's comfortable with that, there are come fun free downloads.

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We had NR Productions come to our state homeschool convention and they were awesome. I took ds12 to the seminar and he loved it. They sell an animation kit that includes a digital webcam, software and an instruction guide for $69 (Windows only).


Do you happen to know if you use a webcam does it have to be connected to the computer? Our computer is in my bedroom, so that wouldn't be a great place to set up for doing movies. If it does, I'm thinking the digital camera method is a better option for her. I do like the idea of software and an instruction guide to help her out.



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I went to FAQ page and I am inferring from the info there that yes, you need to have the computer connected if you use the webcam. He states that using a laptop makes it easier because you are able to get it close to the set you are filming. When he was demonstrating making a film at his seminar he had the computer right next to the set. He actually made a very short movie right then - very nifty to watch.


He also said at the seminar that setting up a small, clutter free set with the proper lighting is needed. He suggested clearing out the bottom of a closet for that. His reason for using a webcam was that it can get down close to the set and be on the same level which eliminates that "towering giant" effect you might get using a regular camcorder. I'm guessing the ideal set up would include a laptop.


If you go with the regular camcorder be sure to position it so that it is on the same level with the set. That might work more easily if you set up a large cardboard box with one side cut off on a table and place your set inside. You could even paint the inside of the box with scenery.

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