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AoPS Programming worth it if she'd have to miss 2/3 the classes?

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DD13 wants to take a programming class.


I'm a professional SWEngineer, so I can help her, but I'd rather not be the instructor.  She needs someone else's expectations to live up to, and I've got all I can handle w/ teaching the math and science already.


The AoPS intro Python class sounds perfect, except that it meets 4:30-6PM once a week, and she has theatre at that time nearly every day.  Would the class still be worth taking?


do they record the class sessions?

I assume she could still get the HW, submit her work and get it graded, ask questions outside of the regular class time?


Is this lame to consider?


Anyone have a better suggestion? (Khan academy and Codeacademy are not acceptable, IMO.  I want feedback from an actual person about things like clarity, comments, variable naming, etc.)

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So the class isn't recorded because there is no audio or video to record.  But you are provided with a transcript, including everything written by the instructors and students.  Your student can read through the transcript and get all the info needed for the class.  But.  Does she want to?  Reading a transcript isn't as fun as being there, but it's doable, certainly.  As I recall she shouldn't skip reading the transcript entirely because there is some information provided that will help with the coding assignments.  At least this was true for the 2nd advanced course.  


Yes, she can still submit homework for grading.  And she will receive detailed feedback on each program.  But asking for help outside of class, well, that experience varies it seems.  Some instructors are always online and responding to student posts.  Sometimes they just aren't.  You might get a response from another student.  You may need to PM the instructor directly.  But you are guaranteed to have your questions answered during class, as you can post any question and there are many TAs who will respond.  


So if your student already has a lot of python experience (which I recommend before taking the AoPS class), and is fine with reading the transcript for the course, then it is doable.  


My students' paths to AoPS was to work with me from the book Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner by Michael Dawson before embarking on the AoPS class because the class does move fast.  I don't know of any other online class that provides that level of individual feedback by an instructor.  Maybe EIMACS?  



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You recommend previous experience even for the first class( intro)? The class description suggests no prior experience necessary.


Thanks for the book suggestion. I'll check that out too. Was hoping to avoid taking on another subject personally. I'm starting to feel like the bottleneck. :(

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You recommend previous experience even for the first class( intro)? The class description suggests no prior experience necessary.


My oldest found the intro class light. He had only done Scratch before that as well as playing with programming his TI-84. He enjoyed both the intro and intermediate class. He took the intermediate class last summer. So YMMV.

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My son has taken AoPS classes in which he could not attend any of the teaching sessions live. He would download the transcript and go over it himself. It's doable, but more fun live.


If you want to try it out, but find it does not work, AoPS will give you a full refund if you withdraw before the third class starts.

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