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Any 5th graders using BA5?


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If you are currently working in BA5 what are you plans next year? Most sequences hit pre-algebra 7th grade but BA seems to go into pre-algebra after BA5. I'm not sure if I should skip 6th grade math for DD. She's a very strong math student but I'm worried about missing something by skipping a year. We use MM also so we will have finished BA5 (as long as 5D is published before the end of the year) and MM5. 

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I plan to move my kid who is in BA5 this year into AoPS pre-A next.  There seems to be a fair amount of overlap between the two, just presented differently.  I'm guessing that their pre-A goes deeper and/or farther than BA5 where there is overlap, but I really don't know.  Check out the AoPS pre-tests.  They may help you with placement decisions. I've got to say though, that I doubt that a kid who completes the BA series and then moves into AoPS pre-A is going to miss anything important.

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Do you have MM6 already? If so, maybe you can run her through the chapter tests and see if there are any areas you need to cover before moving into Pre-A.


I do have MM6. That might be a good idea. If nothing else, it will help me not feel like I'm throwing her into something she's not ready for. I let her try a couple problems on alcamus today and she did fine. 

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