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Math question

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My kids have always been good at math. They don't love it though.  Neither are wanting to go into a math heavy field.  How can I slow down the math progression?  We need a higher level math for senior year(not consumer math).  


On the current path my ds would be alg2, pre-cal, calc.  However, he hates math.  Is there any way to slow this down and just get to pre-calc?  Would we split something over 2 years?  How do I do that on a transcript?  Or have him do consumer math somewhere?  I'm just worried about losing the skills he knows if we take a year off higher level math in regards to testing.  Would it be weird to do more than one pre-calc?   


Would love your suggestions and ideas.  I will be having him do PSAT/SAT/ACT in high school just in case his interest in college changes later on.  I just can't push this kid anymore in math.  Help!?

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Another option you might not have considered is to go ahead and do precalc as a junior, then as a senior dual enroll for college algebra, math for liberal arts, or statistics class, depending on what will transfer to his colleges of choice. Then he would have four credits of high school math AND have already satisfied the math gen ed requirement for college, assuming he is not interested in a STEM degree. This also allows him to change to take a calculus class as a senior if his interest/intended major changes anytime before the beginning of the senior year. 

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Would it be possible to do 2 separate 1/2 credits for math per year? What I mean is a more college like schedule with a MWF or TTH option to break up the week between 2 courses like Algebra 2 and Consumer Math or an Accounting course. This may possibly minimize forgetting material.


Some pre -calc courses include Trig, so you might be able to do 1/2 credit pre-calc with 1/2 credit something more everyday applicable one year, and save the trig portion for the senior year.



Edited by Pistachio mom
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In the case of my oldest he did Algebra 2 in 11th grade, and that was as far as he wanted to go. He did MUS Stewardship in 12th grade which only has alg. 1 as a pre-req. (and he also did the ACT that fall), no math his first year in college, and then statistics his second year in college. It turned out fine. That may or may not always be the best idea, but he didn't regret not going on. I actually don't think he would have been ready for statistics as a dual credit class his senior year. There's a lot of brain development that goes on in the late teens, and some kids are ready for more later--I don't think waiting is always bad. (In my case, I always enjoyed math but had a couple of years between my last high school math class and my required college pre-calc course--I don't think that really hurt me either as a liberal arts major). Anyway...just our experiences.

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