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How do you fit all the Singapore stuff in??

dawn of ns

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My daughter's doing Primary Math 5A right now. I also have IP and CWP and Timez Attack for drills. How do I fit it all in??


How do those of you who use IP and CWP schedule it in with the regular lessons? Do you do both as well as drills and PM everyday or stagger them? If you have the HIG, does it account for IP and CWP as well as PM in it's scheduling?


Just looking for some direction.

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We're using the text, wb, IP, and CWP. Sometimes my dc do problems from the same topic in the IP instead of the workbook. We do one or two problems from CWP before the regular text lesson, and once a week or every other week we just do the challengers from CWP (and no text lesson).

We do any drills later in the day. My dc use the Flashmaster, and just using it for 10 minutes a day has really improved their math facts.

We usually end up spending 60-90 minutes/day on math.

I don't know if that's any help. My dc enjoy CWP and IP more than the regular workbook. I usually look over the next day's lesson the evening before and decide if they'll do the workbook or IP.

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My daughter's doing Primary Math 5A right now. I also have IP and CWP and Timez Attack for drills. How do I fit it all in??


How do those of you who use IP and CWP schedule it in with the regular lessons? Do you do both as well as drills and PM everyday or stagger them? If you have the HIG, does it account for IP and CWP as well as PM in it's scheduling?


Just looking for some direction.


It depends on the child.


I'm combining Saxon 5/4 and Singapore 3A for my daughter. She (aged 8) does Singapore3A for 3 days (text,workbook, and CWP 3) and then Saxon for two days. Whatever doesn't get done usually gets assigned as homework for the weekend. It may seem like a lot to some, and would be for some children, but she does great with it. I'm not saying it would work for everyone. I haven't used IP, because my daughter doesn't seem to need it.


For my son (age 6), I combine Saxon 2 and Sing 1B. With his schedule I reverse and spend 3 days on Saxon 2 and two days on Sing 1B and CWP 1. It has worked for him so far, too.


I adjust as I go.

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We may do this a little differently than most, but for us, we do roughly one exercise in the workbook and one page of CWP (one level behind) daily M-Th, and on F-Sun we do 2 pages daily in IP (1/2 level behind). The kids have the choice to do all of the IP pages on one or two days too, if they'd rather.


We've enjoyed doing it this way as it seems to provide a steady review of previous concepts in small bites. Also, all the books are complete at the end of a half year, doing it this way.

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We use the text, workbook, and CWP. We don't use all the exercises in the text unless he needs more direction. We do the workbook Mon- Thurs. On Friday we use Life of Fred fractions and do CWP. I simply pick a few problems from CWP for him to do.


We finished 4a last week, so this week we are doing only LOF and CWP.

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We find it hard to fit everything in too!



I like your idea of doing IP 1/2 level behind and CWP 1 level behind. My ds races through the workbooks, then gets really bogged down on CWP, needs my help a lot, etc, but is itching to go on to next level workbook. Your method sounds as though it might speed things up overall -- we'll try it. And ds will be happy!

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If you have the HIG, does it account for IP and CWP as well as PM in it's scheduling?




The HIG doesn't include IP or CWP in the schedule. It does include the mental math sheets from the back of the HIG and the computer cd, and the reviews. It also schedules 4 days a week, with the fifth day free for extra practice, or whatever you want to work on.

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