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First grade math?


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What math would you suggest for this kid?


My son will be in first grade in the fall. He's very bright and independent. For kindergarten this year I started him out in kindergarten level math and writing but had to bump him up to first grade material because it was too easy, so easy that he was asking for something harder. And he doesn't love school, in fact he wants to get it done ASAP so he can go play Legos (which is fine by me). He is the kid most likely to start school, on his own, before breakfast just to be done sooner. His day is currently: MUS alpha, SYS Jack and Jill, reading to himself from a pathway reader (currently working on the end of 2nd grade book) and a bible story book, once a week he works in a science workbook, and he listens to group read alouds. He gets his work done pretty fast. He gets impatient when he has to wait for me so he can finish his SYS.


On one hand MUS is working well for him, but I wonder if, because of his independent nature, he would do well with something written to him. Math mammoth? So he could get on with it without waiting for me. Tho naturally I would be checking his work daily and discussing. He picks stuff up fast. Show him once or twice and he's got it.


I guess I'm also thinking it might be good for him to not be in the same math program as his older sister because at this rate he will quickly pass her which would not be good for the ego of either of them. :/


Or maybe I just keep him in MUS, but supplement to slow him down? Singapore extra practice or word problem books? Or beast academy?

Edited by vaquitita
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My kids have done Singapore math fairly independently - they look at the textbook and then do the workbook. i'm happy to teach it when they need it, but often they don't. Even when I do need to teach it, they stick with the same topic for a few days so that they can work independently once they 'get it'. They also have a placement test - my kid started a few years ahead.

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I think I'm making this too hard. Lol


I've thought before he is the right kind of kid for beast academy. He'll love the comic book and monsters, and he is the type who keeps trying something over and over till he gets it.


Beast academy 2a comes out this summer. I have him keep on with MUS, after beta he can do beast 2, then gamma, beast 3, etc.

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