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Dropping MUS Zeta for Beast Academy?


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Hi all,


I'm planning to start my son in pre algebra next year with AoPS. He is currently half way through Zeta (decimals and percents). I've been having him slowly work through BA on top of the regular MUS lesson, but it's getting a bit much, especially when he encounters something in BA that is new to him. So, it's going rather slowly, and he is only just finishing up 3a.


I'm thinking I may let him drop MUS to fill in some areas. BA just looks at things so differently, and I love it.


Basically, I'm looking for input on this idea. Crazy? Good? Meh?


He is in 6th and doesn't mind MUS, but tends to beat himself up over errors, and has a general attitude of resistance.


Thanks in advance!



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If you have a student who doesn't just forget everything, I think it is fine to set one math program aside for a time in order to do a different program that covers topics from a different perspective for variety and review... But I would come back and finish MUS or SOME program on percents / decimals / fractions this year to get solid with those concepts, and to be ready to move into a Pre-Algebra program.


Esp. if he is working slowly and making errors with MUS Zeta and Beast Academy 3 (which is at a lower level of topics than MUS Zeta), you want to absolutely make sure he gets solid and comfortable with all of the concepts that will make Pre-Algebra go smoothly, and then that he is rock-solid with Pre-Algebra before moving on to Algebra.


Since he is grade 6, you do have time for bunny trails and be ready to start Algebra in high school:


6th - set aside MUS Zeta and do BA 3A/B/C/D

7th - program that preps for Pre-Algebra (MUS Zeta; Keys to Percents/Decimals/Fractions; BA 4A/B/C/D...)

8th = Pre-Algebra

9th = Algebra 1

10th = Geometry

11th = Algebra 2

12th = Pre-Calculus



P.S. -- And if he is the type of learner who does better with daily instruction, exposure, practice, then no, I wouldn't drop the "spine" math program, but find a way to schedule the supplement (Beast Academy) as a shorter, second math period later in the day and just do excerpts of the supplement. JMO.

Edited by Lori D.
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Thank you, Lori D


I was definitely planning to have him work through ALL levels of BA, it's just been slower than expected. Some of the concepts have been quite new to him, and he sat struggling/getting mad instead of telling me. So, I'm planning to work through it with him, more at his side. I am also considering cherry picking a few of the most relevant lessons from Zeta for him.


Your yearly plan eases my self inflicted (ha! Isn't that the way it always is!?) pressure -- as I was thinking of getting him through Calculus in grade 12 (he wants to go to Oxford or Cambridge in music).



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Beast 3A is HARD! AoPS really throw kids in the deep end with regard to problem solving, it seems. We didn't quite finish every section, but will use the more challenging problems as review later, when DS is able to bring some fresh ideas to the table. I've found that usually time and games will do the trick. Do not underestimate the value of the games!


Do you have Beast 3B? You may be reassured by reading ahead - it's largely on multiplication, and won't be nearly as slow going as 3A, IMHO.

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Yes, I have all of level 3. Thanks for that tip, I will read ahead of him...


Games are good, yes. Unfortunately, he has developed resistance to most things deemed educational. [emoji849] there were lots of screens under the tree [emoji319]this year. In trying to figure out the appropriate limits, we are currently doing 1/2 hour kindle reading, 1/2 hour iPad apps (mostly somewhat educational) and then 1/2 hour free computer time if school and chores are complete. He actually refers to the "free" time as "twaddley" time!! And, all he really wants are mind numbing games.



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...Some of the concepts have been quite new to him, and he sat struggling/getting mad instead of telling me. So, I'm planning to work through it with him, more at his side...


That's a good observation and solution. :)



Your yearly plan eases my self inflicted (ha! Isn't that the way it always is!?) pressure -- as I was thinking of getting him through Calculus in grade 12 (he wants to go to Oxford or Cambridge in music).


Typically, if going into the Fine Arts/Performing Arts, students don't need as many Math or Science credits to meet college admission requirements, so only going up through Pre-Calculus would be fine. However, competitive, selective, and top tier colleges can be different, requiring high level of performance in ALL subjects regardless of the degree major of choice, and I don't know how competitive it is to get into Oxford or Cambridge. You might talk to Laura Corin who is on these Boards, as her oldest is currently attending Oxford.


If going beyond Pre-Calculus ends up being necessary, I still would not "rush" the math now, but instead proceed with math in DS's pace, and in the last year of high school consider taking Statistics simultaneously with Pre-Calculus and skip Calculus. Or, consider taking the Pre-Calculus and the Calculus each as 1 semester college courses in the senior year, as dual enrollment at a Community College, university, or through an online college course provider.

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I would not put MUS aside right now. I'd put BA aside for now and work on one program at a time. That is what has worked for us with MUS. Finish Zeta level, so you've basically covered all of your basic elementary math concepts thoroughly. Then go back and work on BA at his own pace. If he's struggling in MUS Zeta or BA 3A right now in 6th grade, he may need more time before trying AOPS. I'd try to get him through all of MUS Alpha through Zeta, then MUS Pre-A or all the levels of BA or both, before starting AOPS pre-A next year. I am not planning on doing all the levels of BA before pre-A, though I wish we had tons of money, because then I'd do it! We will finish MUS Zeta, then do LOF Decimals and Percents, then MUS pre-A, and then I'm not sure, maybe AOPS pre-A.

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I agree with continuing with BA if he prefers to take on the harder math and using MUS to solify skills and confidence. The material is introduced so well in BA and the questions are beautiful. The first book is the hardest. We went through level 4 much quicker. The questions in Aops preA are very similar to BA which makes it an easier transition.


My daughter did BA 3 and 4, then did the video/section tests in MUS Epsilon and then Aops preA. Again the first chapters were challenging but now in Chapter 5 things are going smoothly. I cover the material with them. Watch the Aops video. Have them work independently on the questions and then work out all the solutions together.

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