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I have *one* ripe lemon on my Meyer's lemon tree

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and while I'm tickled pink I don't know what to do with one lemon. I mean, it's a lot of pressure. I don't want to use it for something silly, like preventing apples from turning brown, because, heck, I practically killed myself keeping this plant alive.


What would you do with one special lemon?


Nicole (who is happily enjoying the hiatus from political threads!)

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and while I'm tickled pink I don't know what to do with one lemon. I mean, it's a lot of pressure. I don't want to use it for something silly, like preventing apples from turning brown, because, heck, I practically killed myself keeping this plant alive.


What would you do with one special lemon?




I'd put it on beautiful lettuce, with good quality olive oil.

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Oh, and don't forget to use the zest! Try:




for the best potato salad in the world.


Oh, my goodness. That looks divine. That's it. No one post any more fantastic ideas until next year, when I have more fresh lemons!


Thank you, thank you.

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I can confirm that this is the best potato salad in the world. My family first had it at K's house, now it's everyone's birthday request.


It doubles and triples well, too. And keeps. Can be served warm, cold or room temp, so travels to potlucks with aplumb.


I love Delia Smith. If you run into any of her cookbooks cheap, snap it up and take a browse.

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Okay, here's a dumb question. Would you simply slice the lemon? Then eat it with your fingers, holding the peel part? Or would that be uncivilized?


This sounds like the perfect way to eat it to me- I'd zest the skin first, of course. Enjoy! It is an amazing feat to have a lemon actually do well up here.

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