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Eating my words--Health sharing, again


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So, DH is not so keen on my "eff you, insurance company!!" plan of not having insurance this year (just a little history, self-employed, $1500/month crap coverage is the best we can get) so I'm looking at health shares despite kind of disliking them.


I think I've ruled out Samaritan because I don't want to send or receive checks from individuals.


If you are in one, please share what you like and dislike and how much you pay if that is info you are willing to share.


I miss my cheap catastrophic plan!!!

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CHM was my favorite since I didn't want to do the personal check thing either. I've already detailed the good and of so good in some ofher recent posts which a search of the topic should yield, but overall it has been great for us. We did finally get the check for this childbirth last week to reimburse the current expenses and pay the remainder, so that claim took just under three months which is typical for our regional office, and now we are all paid up and everything is covered for the first time since 2007 for us - that was the last baby we had maternity fully covered and even that that was with a deductible.

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