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Meanwhile, back at the fire department, Hix and Rain had discovered that the ear belonged to Mary-Lynn, John's first wife who had disappeared 10 years earlier in a plane crash in the Amazon Rain forest. John had managed to escape by befriending a monkey, a parrot and a strange man named George. They helped him make a prosthetic leg out of one of the trees. Not only have they been after John (whose real name is Larry) to question him on the death of his wife, but he's now wanted for questioning on illegally chopping down endangered trees.

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John could not sleep all that night.He tossed and turned wondering how to tell Mary he was only half the man she thought him to be.With a fake arm and LEG!!!And what was she going to say when she found out she is missing an ear besides HUH?


sleep-deprived, but still consumed with love for Mary, his second wife. He must figure out a way to tell her the truth about his first wife, Mary-Lynn. How could he convince Mary that he had not murdered Mary-Lynn? How could he convince the detectives, Hix and Rain, who were pursuing him with singleminded zeal, of the truth of that horrible plane crash which quenched the life of his first love? Most importantly, how would he handle the Brazilian authorities, who wanted him for questioning on illegally cutting down teak trees? These burdens nearly crushed John as he slipped on his prosthesis . . .

Edited by Michelle in MO
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The sun was coming up and Mary, sleeping on her one ear, could not hear John wail as he discovered a termite infestation in his wooden leg. "It must be because we are sleeping in a deserted barn," he thought. Just then two looming figures stormed into the barn, it was Braxton Hix and Acid Rain. They were about to grab John when Hix doubled over with strong abdominal contractions....

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The sun was coming up and Mary, sleeping on her one ear, could not hear John wail as he discovered a termite infestation in his wooden leg. "It must be because we are sleeping in a deserted barn," he thought. Just then two looming figures stormed into the barn, it was Braxton Hix and Acid Rain. They were about to grab John when Hix doubled over with strong abdominal contractions....


"Oh, crap!" Hix thought as he started frantically looking for a bathroom, desperately wishing he had not eaten the entire bag of candy that he found at the ferris wheel wreckage.

Edited by JudoMom
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Most importantly, how would he handle the Brazilian authorities, who wanted him for questioning on illegally cutting down teak trees? These burdens nearly crushed John as he slipped on his prosthesis . . .


****Thanks, I couldn't think of an Amazon Rainforest Tree:lol::lol::lol:***


Mary, showing super human strength, threw John over her shoulder and ran at Hix and Rain, knocking them both to the ground. As she fled the barn with her beloved she wondered, "Prosthetic leg? When was he going to tell me about that?!?! I wonder what else he's hiding?"


John thought, "I wondered if she noticed my prosthetic leg?"


But then, John's long lost friend George landed a helicopter in the farmer's field!

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Mary stopped short, "George?", she spat.


George reddened at the sight of Mary with John slung over her shoulder.


"You've got to be kidding," he said under his breath.


"Um, do you two know each other?" John asked.


A silence filled the air between all of them.


"Awwwwk-waaard," said Hix from the ground. Rain snorted in amusement and then groaned.


"Don't make me laugh. It hurts."

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"Yes, he's my half-brother, my mother never knew about". Mary said venomously.


"I never claimed that relation, nor the inheritance" George said with spite filling his voice. "It is still in the safety deposit box in....


to tell you the name of the bank or the safety deposit box number," snapped George. "You and Fred and Joe were quite happy to keep me in the dark about Dad being married before and all. I could care less about the pitiful inheritance Mom left me, so you can have what's left of it."


"Yeah," challenged Mary, "and just what would that be?"


"Well----let's just say that you just might have enough to buy your new hubby there another prosthesis," George shot back.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa here!" John whirled around, as best as he possibly could, but without his prosthesis, he nearly lost his balance. Finally, John was able to get his balance, faced Mary head on and said, "Now, darling, when were you planning on telling me about this other man in your life?"

Edited by Michelle in MO
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Mary stared at John blankly not knowing what to say to him. From somewhere behind them a voice said, "Um, any chance we could get a little help here?"


Mary, grateful for the interruption, shot both wounded men with a tranquilizer gun.


"Nice," John and George both said in unison.



"Whoa, whoa, whoa here!" John whirled around, as best as he possibly could, but without his prosthesis, he nearly lost his balance. Finally, John was able to get his balance, faced Mary head on and said, "Now, darling, when were you planning on telling me about this other man in your life?"



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John turned to George and asked if they could go with him when he left.What are you doing here anyway George? I am looking for my best buds. Hix and Rain had Parrot and Monkey picked up at the cabana.They want info about you two! They would never talk though unless they gave them truth serum or a banana or a mango!!!! I will take you John but Mary acts like she doesn't hear a word I have to say.I don't want to take her if I can help it.But we can't just leave her George....

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Mary finds herself waking, in her own bed in Tubal, from a vivid dream of ferris wheels, firefighters, and near-drownings. Around her bed are her husband John, brother George, and the hired men Hix and Rain. She timidly feels to make sure both of her ears are there and asks John,"Honey can you hug me with both arms?" He does immediately. Then she asks, "John, can you walk, do you have two good legs?" He dances across the floor for her. Mary breathes a sigh of relief, it was all a dream, just a dream. She gets out of bed and realizes that John has not said a word. Instead he is eerily humming the "Candy Man", removes his dark sunglasses and looks at Mary with one normal eye and yes, one glass one!! Mary screams a bloodcurdling scream!


<Insert pyscho music like you hear in the shower scene>


End of Story

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