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My daughter has a blog...


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I don't know if this is the right board to post about this or not, but it's the only board I frequent here.  


My youngest daughter, who just turned 13 last month, finally has her blog up and running.  She's pretty excited about it.  There's not much there yet, but soon she will be adding book reviews and pictures of her art journal pages, and other things she makes.  Mostly it's to advertise her doll hats, scarves, mittens, and ponchos that she knits and hopes to sell.  If you have a few minutes, check it out.  She would love it.  Thanks!


If any of you are experienced in how blogger is set up, I'd love to know how to make Tabs/Pages per topic.  Like...one for art with her art journal posts in there....one to click on for all the book reviews she wants to write...one for her knitting, etc.  It's total trial and error for us right now...not sure really how to set it up the way I want.  Seems like how it is now...each post will just be one on top of the other...no organization.  So if you want to read a book review (after those are on there) you'll have to scroll through everything just to find it.  I know on the side there's the Blog Archive...but that looks like it will be posts per month.  I'd like it to be posts per category/topic, if that makes sense.


Also, other than eBay, any ideas on where I can post her doll knits?  Someone told me Etsy, which I know next to nothing about.  

Edited by BatmansWife
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This is great! What a creative girl. 


I can't wait to show it to my dd who has been dreaming and scheming on a blog of her own. 

Thank you!  Shawnee will be happy to hear this.  She wanted this for a long time too.  Finally I thought....well, why not?  As an added bonus...it has really helped improve her writing.  I do look it over and fix spelling and punctuation before it's posted (and I go over it/explain with her and she fixes the errors)...but I've been seeing big improvement already.  

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I don't know if this is the right board to post about this or not, but it's the only board I frequent here.  


My youngest daughter, who just turned 13 last month, finally has her blog up and running.  She's pretty excited about it.  There's not much there yet, but soon she will be adding book reviews and pictures of her art journal pages, and other things she makes.  Mostly it's to advertise her doll hats, scarves, mittens, and ponchos that she knits and hopes to sell.  If you have a few minutes, check it out.  She would love it.  Thanks!


If any of you are experienced in how blogger is set up, I'd love to know how to make Tabs/Pages per topic.  Like...one for art with her art journal posts in there....one to click on for all the book reviews she wants to write...one for her knitting, etc.  It's total trial and error for us right now...not sure really how to set it up the way I want.  Seems like how it is now...each post will just be one on top of the other...no organization.  So if you want to read a book review (after those are on there) you'll have to scroll through everything just to find it.  I know on the side there's the Blog Archive...but that looks like it will be posts per month.  I'd like it to be posts per category/topic, if that makes sense.


Also, other than eBay, any ideas on where I can post her doll knits?  Someone told me Etsy, which I know next to nothing about.  


Definitely Etsy. It is a great way to get started. The website is fairly easy to set up (I have one in my signature) and fairly intuitive. Make use of tags as that will help drive customers. I would also suggest a Facebook/Instagram pages to advertise to friends and neighbors for both this  website and the Etsy site.


My cousins, Rogersmade, started on Etsy and still do a fair amount of sales through there, even though they have a fully run website.

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Our library has an entire youth blogging section. I had no idea until Ds wanted to start a YouTube feed. You might check it out. Learning those skills at 13 can mean really great paying telecommuting work as a 16 year old. As a young mother, I worked remotely doing website maintainence and retrofiting. It pays well if you are not looking for full time work.

Edited by EndOfOrdinary
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I'm not sure if blogger has an option to create tabs by topic, but you can add TAGS to each post.  In compose mode, you'll see the tag option on the right hand side.  Click it, then type in the key word you'd like the post to be tagged with.  Once you've done this to a few posts, there will also be a list of previously used tags to choose from or to create a new one.  


Once you've appropriately tagged your posts, you can go to the blog layout options and add a side panel with your tags, either arranged alphabetically, or in a cloud based on frequency, or whatever you'd like.  Then users will be able to click on the side bar to go directly to items tagged with what they are looking for.  

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p.s.  I just left a comment on your dd's blog and I saw that it posted immediately.  This is just my opinion, so take it as you will, but I would probably turn comment moderation on for the blog of a minor child.  You can do this in settings.  It will send you an email each time someone leaves a comment, and within the email, you can click on a button that says "Publish comment".  I have kept a family blog for 10 years or so, and I've only ever had 1-2 creepy comments from strangers, but they were enough to freak me out for a few days and would have been totally inappropriate for minor's eyes.  

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Thank you everyone for your nice comments.  She's really happy with the nice things you've said.  She has so many blog post ideas....just got another one posted today.  


p.s.  I just left a comment on your dd's blog and I saw that it posted immediately.  This is just my opinion, so take it as you will, but I would probably turn comment moderation on for the blog of a minor child.  You can do this in settings.  It will send you an email each time someone leaves a comment, and within the email, you can click on a button that says "Publish comment".  I have kept a family blog for 10 years or so, and I've only ever had 1-2 creepy comments from strangers, but they were enough to freak me out for a few days and would have been totally inappropriate for minor's eyes.  

Thank you for letting me know.  I thought I would get an e-mail, but I didn't realize I had to set it that way.  I set Comment Moderation to Always (I probably wouldn't have even known what that was or where it was if you hadn't told me  :001_smile:


And thank you for your comment....she was thrilled.  Now if I could figure out a way to change the color of that comment...but I've googled and can't come up with a solution.  At least it can be highlighted to see it better.  Thanks again!

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Well, we had a little drama last night.   :lol:   My daughter was on her blog dashboard and deleted a couple of unneeded drafts.  She clicked one too many times and deleted her How I Learned to Knit blog post.   :banghead:   Oh my!  She kept her cool pretty well though.  Then I spent the next hour trying to find out how to recover it.  No such luck.  So she had to rewrite the whole thing (I actually think she did a better job this time).  The thing that upset her the most was her one and only comment from Monica got deleted.  Monica, can you repost your comment for her??  That would make her day.  When she realized it was gone she said, "But it was such a great compliment!!!"  You had said, "Your creations are beautiful!  Congrats on starting your blog and good luck!"  So lesson learned....be careful what you click on in the dashboard.  LOL!  


p.s.  I just left a comment on your dd's blog and I saw that it posted immediately.   


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Well, we had a little drama last night.   :lol:   My daughter was on her blog dashboard and deleted a couple of unneeded drafts.  She clicked one too many times and deleted her How I Learned to Knit blog post.   :banghead:   Oh my!  She kept her cool pretty well though.  Then I spent the next hour trying to find out how to recover it.  No such luck.  So she had to rewrite the whole thing (I actually think she did a better job this time).  The thing that upset her the most was her one and only comment from Monica got deleted.  Monica, can you repost your comment for her??  That would make her day.  When she realized it was gone she said, "But it was such a great compliment!!!"  You had said, "Your creations are beautiful!  Congrats on starting your blog and good luck!"  So lesson learned....be careful what you click on in the dashboard.  LOL!  


I'm sorry, I've been gone al weekend and just saw this.  I'll go do that right now.  :-)  

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Sent a message through it.

Thanks for testing it Sommer.  I didn't get it, so it just doesn't seem to work.  I just took the gadget off.  After we get our Etsy up and running we'll have to just put a link to that for people to contact me....if anyone ever will anyway.  Thanks for your comment on the blog.  She loves such nice comments as yours.  


I'm sorry, I've been gone al weekend and just saw this.  I'll go do that right now.  :-)  

Thank you so much for doing that Monica.  She is really enjoying her blog.  She loves looking at the stats and seeing viewers from, not only the US, but Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Panama, Poland, Canada, and of course....Switzerland.  Pretty cool.  

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