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Opinions-iPhone 5SE vs 6 vs 6s


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I need a new phone; mine is old and wonky. I think it's a 4 or a 4s. There is not a huge difference in price, plus it's going to be deducted as a biz expense, so that's not really a consideration. I use it mostly for phone calls, texting, and internet. Don't really use apps much, don't game. Help me decide which model to get please. I like the idea of the bigger size because after I'm on my phone for a while, my vision is blurry for a bit. But I'm not sure it is a big enough difference to negate that. Do you find the 6s keyboard to be that much better or easier? Would love to hear from those who have gone from a 5 to a 6. What did you like or dislike about the change?

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I'm trying to get one more year out of my 4s before getting a new one. I wouldn't go with a 5 because it's too close to obsolescence. I can't update anything any more with my 4s. Since I get as many years as possible out of a phone (aiming for 5), I like to go with a new model, but 6 would be new enough for me. My dh has the 6 and it's great. The awkwardness of carrying a larger phone was a big reason he chose the 6. I usually have mine in my purse, so it isn't quite as difficult as it would be for someone who keeps it in their back pocket, but once in awhile I like to tuck it into a pocket.

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I opted for the 5s specifically because of the size. I have tiny hands, and the 6 seems so huge for me. I love my 5s. It's not that much bigger than DH's 4s, so I'd say that if the small size of the 4 is too small, you should go with the 6. (Fwiw, my 5 won't do everything, but it does do a lot more than DH's 4.)

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My very favorite form factor was the 4s, and I looked at getting a 5s, but did not...because the 5s will have a shorter life span, as Apple drops support for their phones after a couple of generations.  I would go to the 6s if you can afford it over the 6 for that reason.  My son used to have a 4 and I had a 4s.  His had a life span a full year shorter than mine.


In the 6s and the 7 (which I have), you can do a setting that "zooms" the size of the icons and the type to a larger size.  You get fewer icons on your screen, but you can actually see what they are.  That is what I have done.  My son just bought a 7 and he thinks I am nutz for not getting all the info possible onto one screen.  I tell him that it is not info if you can't see it.  



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My very favorite form factor was the 4s, and I looked at getting a 5s, but did not...because the 5s will have a shorter life span, as Apple drops support for their phones after a couple of generations.  I would go to the 6s if you can afford it over the 6 for that reason.  My son used to have a 4 and I had a 4s.  His had a life span a full year shorter than mine.



I agree. If you want to use it for years, then go with the 6 or 6s.

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FYI, Best Buy will have the SE on Black Friday starting at $9.99 per month for 24 months, available on Verizon, Sprint, or ATT. It doesn't say the size, so I'm assuming that will be the smallest one (16 GB?). I've been told previously from Verizon and BB that you can pay it off whenever after you set it up.  https://www.bfads.net/stores/best-buy/ads/black-friday/page-9


My daughter wants to upgrade her iphone 4 (a hand-me-down from me). She wants the 6, but I'm trying to talk her into this since it will be so much cheaper. She says that the SE feels too light. My understanding is that the SE is actually newer than the 6 or 6s. http://appleinsider.com/articles/16/04/17/iphone-se-vs-iphone-6-how-apples-cheaper-more-powerful-phone-shakes-things-up

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I have a 6s and my husband and son have the SE. I like the 6s because of the bigger screen, my eyes are getting old LOL. My husband had a 5S and loved it, but the charging port went out ( a common problem I guess.) He chose the SE because it was exactly the same size as his 5S and he could use the same cover. He really likes his SE as does my son.

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Thanks everyone! I am going with the SE. I like the bigger screen of the 6, but I am worried it will be too cumbersome, not compact enough. I am only on it outside the house -- I have an iPad and a Macbook at home -- so I think I will be happy with it. But I appreciated hearing others' thoughts about it.

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