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What to do after pre-algebra?

Wabi Sabi

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My 6th grader/12 year old used Math Mammoth all the way from 1A/1B through the first part of 6A, then we stalled because he needed more help than I was able to provide. We ended up switching over to Derek Owens pre-algebra because we needed to outsource and that was the one class I found where he could enroll mid-semester, and honestly, after 5+ years of MM, Derek Owens seems a little on the easier side which is actually good for my son. He considers himself "bad" at math, so the fact that he's doing well in this class has been good for his self-confidence. 

My question is what do we do after this? I do not want him to go straight into algebra as a 7th grader because there's a good chance he'll go to high school, and they will not accept any credits he might earn now for algebra I, algebra 2 or geometry. He could potentially test out of them if he goes to high school, but he'd still be required to take 8 semesters of math which would put him in upper level AP calculus/finite math courses, and I just don't think that's a realistic trajectory for him. 

At this point I think that outsourcing math is going to be necessary, so with that in mind, what suggestions do you all have for next year if I'd prefer him to wait until 8th grade for algebra 1? Would you have your child repeat pre-algebra next year but something more challenging like AoPS? Go ahead and enroll in an "easy" algebra class and plan on doing a more challenging algebra class for credit in 8th? Or would you just have him go ahead with algebra next year assuming he continues to do well in pre-algebra, and not worry about what that means for public high school math credit until we're ready to actually cross that bridge? 

Any and all suggestions are welcome at this point, but I do think that whatever we do it will need to be outsourced and graded by someone else, not me. 


Edited by Wabi Sabi
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Or would you just have him go ahead with algebra next year assuming he continues to do well in pre-algebra, and not worry about what that means for public high school math credit until we're ready to actually cross that bridge? 


My opinion boils down to the above.


For prealgebra, if you think DO was a bit too easy for him, you could have him do part or all of the prealgebra topics in Alcumus over the summer.  (If he runs into anything he doesn't know, use the videos.)


Moving forward with algebra in 7th, if he should need a second year, you'd have the luxury of time.


If he's ready, I don't see anything wrong with algebra 1 in 7th without credits.  7th is the advanced math track at our neighborhood PS.  Here, the private high school will give placement by exam but not credit, the case for at least half the students in the school.  One of my 8th graders is currently taking alg 2; however, he's still going to take 4 years of math during high school even if he goes to the private one, so I honestly don't give a hoot about credits.


Looking ahead, see at what the particular high school offers for math.  There might be electives of some sort and of course look at their AP track - some schools have students take AB and then BC, in separate, consecutive years (kinda boring, but solves your credit problem).  Calc 3 is less common, but might be offered at the high school (both our neighborhood PS and the private high school offer calc 3) and/or check whether the high school has DE options with the CC, which is probably more common than calc 3 offered within the high school.


When it comes to math and transitioning to the high school, the biggest piece of advice I have is to make sure he reviews for the placement tests.  It doesn't have to take long or be a huge deal - maybe only a weekend - just make sure to allow time for review prior to the time of placement tests.  Accordingly, find out (1) what the high school uses for math and (2) when the placement tests are (for some schools, that might be in April of 8th grade or for others, August).

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I guess I'd consider what he'd like to do. I think the greater challenge of AoPS pre-algebra would be a fine choice, but so would other things. We used parts of AoPS for pre-algebra but then decided it wasn't a great fit for DD (thought she thrived in BA), but she completed pre-algebra just fine with Dolciani and other materials.


So, we moved ahead with algebra using Foerster's in 7th. I actually decided that I'd make algebra a 2-year course for her because I wanted to get back to our roots with our approach to math learning. She prefers living math with a rich supply of games (lots of dice games), readings (Asimov has a great little series about measurement, numbers, and algebra 1 that we're working through and I found a Japanese series called "Math Girls" in addition to many of the regular thing suggested), manipulatives (algebra tiles and Algeblocks), etc. That stuff was a lot easier to find for elementary math, but I've committed to doing it for algebra too.


So, we are taking the book slow and taking time to play and enjoy math again along the way. For her learning style, this solidifies conceptual math more strongly than puzzling over the AoPS style problems. 

Edited by deerforest
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I will likely need to stall my son's math progression and am considering:


1) Mathematics A Human Endeavor

2) Algebra 1 over the course of 2 years. Since algebra is the gateway for so many subjects I want to make sure the skills are SOLID.


You are wise to look ahead to what will be required based on the path you choose now. I'm totally with you. Calc 3 etc in high school may not be what the child wants. And that's very much ok with me.

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