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Clever Dragons and Always Ice Cream....worth it?


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Did you do the free trial? (I guess they have a limited one at their website...but that may be enough for you to tell if you like it. I think I got a free trial through HSBC over the summer, but my kids did it once or twice and we decided we preferred to use our screen time on other things...)

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I get the summer freebie for my little ones every year, but I can't see myself ever spending money on it. It only lasted a few weeks with my 8yo this year and she went back to Prodigy for her free screen time. She is half raised by teens and all about RPG, so maybe not the best anecdote. The actual courses from Code.org lasted longer than Always Ice Cream though. My 6yo stuck with Clever Dragons longer, but I suspect because it required less reading than the other options.

Edited by SilverMoon
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We got it before we knew about Prodigy and ever since they started with Prodigy it hasn't been used. I wish we hadn't spent the money. I would wait for the free summer trial, and even after that, consider carefully if you want to spend the money. I bought it after the trial but again, Prodigy trumped it big time.

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