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What the heck could this be (paging dr hive)


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DD sometimes complains of leg/knee pain (just one) and tonight, randomly, for the first time she said her back "feels weird" and was writhing over a chair, arching it. Happily playing Legos now, a few min later. She's five. She does have very slight dark circles under her eyes but she didn't get normal amount of sleep last night. I'm fishing now. She eats, etc fine

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Thanks. I'm hoping it's just growing pains. I emailed our family Dr asking if she maybe needs a blood test and she sent me the number of a pediatric ortho insead. I don't think she needs an ortho as this is not impeding anything in her daily life...

She is not high strung, and normally neither am I but we have the child of a family friend who was diagnosed with cancer at same age as DD owing to a "hurt leg" so all my "I don't even keep baby tylenol in the house" coolness flies out the window...Plus DS never complained of things like these. He just spiked fevers and ear infections, easy ;)

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