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The Teachers Lounge 11-4-2016


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Oi! I just went to type, "Happy Friday" here but because I'm not quite awake, the coffee hasn't yet kicked in, and my husband was talking to me, I typed, "Happy Birthday" instead!  :laugh: 


Anyone else not awake yet?


What's got you tooling about town today? Here: a meeting at 12:30, possibly an afternoon movie, and 

dinner with a friend tonight to cheer her up as today is exactly one year since her husband died. She's doing 

pretty good considering but today may be tough for her. 


Anyone have an espresso machine? Will you please make me a doppio? I may need it today!​


One more: any suggestions on a decent inexpensive laptop? Here: I need one. Mine is OLD and I don't like my husband's

new one.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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I get to stay home today! :thumbup: All this week I've run about, and today I have no errands, no classes, dinner planned, and no events.  Yay!  I'm in my old grungy jeans and cleaning house, which is made so much easier with a new dryer.  The look on my kid's face when I handed him warm shorts yesterday and him realizing that a) they weren't line dried and b) he didn't hear the shriek of the dryer was priceless.  Today is so yucky outside and I've got 3 coughing kids, but it is a good day in here!  They've played so well in the garage, doing everything we would have done at the park this week.



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Sounds like you finally get a day of REST. And that's a GOOD thing!

Personally, I'll rest when NaNoWriMo and my kids' theater production is over. 

My kids Day of Recovery will be Monday, November 28. My Day of Recovery will be December 1!

But it's all good.


Speaking of good - GOOD NEWS ALL! My husband has a SECOND interview this morning with a company he's very

much interested in working for! Praying all goes well for him!

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 Hi ya, Scrap!


Awake - Yes, I'm in enough pain today that I couldn't sleep even if I tried.


About Town - I drive about 3 to 3 1/2 hours a day taking ds to college and work and back.  Today won't be any different.  (This is the one way I can contribute financially by using my car and gas and insurance and other car related costs.)


Espresso - Sorry.  I hate coffee and so while I have a basic coffee maker for company, no espresso machine


Laptop - I really like my Lenovo Thinkpad.



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