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The Teachers Lounge 10-26-2016


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The Lounge is now OPEN! 


Sorry for the delay. Having hubby home throws our routine off. 

He does have an interview today -  in about an hour. Feel free to pray for him on that.


What is/was for lunch today? here: hot dogs.


What errands did you/do you have today? Here: groceries. Took longer than I thought but we have food now.


Anyone prepping for Halloween? Here: I'm still trying to figure out how to avoid it. I really DON'T like that day.


Anyone else experiencing unseasonably warm weather? Here: yes! It's still in the 90s. Ugh.


Talk to me! :bigear:





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Good afternoon!

What is/was for lunch today? Lunchables for the boys, pasta salad with grilled chicken for me.  Not the healthiest thing, but Wednesdays have us running so our new habit is lunch at the park with whatever I pick up at the grocery store.


What errands did you/do you have today? Ran one child to his violin lesson, was going to take the other to get a hair cut but he decided to try out for sports instead.  (And I'm REALLY glad!  He has always shied away from any athletics)  Also stopped by the store during the violin lesson and bought a new clothesline to replace the one that broke this week.  I'm thinking a year, maybe 2, is all I get out of one of these things.  Oh, and the grocery store, but that was lunch. :)


Anyone prepping for Halloween? Still working on it!  I can't put out our animatronics until the night of, since the 3yo will freak out, but I have a long list of must-dos still to accomplish.  Most notably, buy pumpkins.


Anyone else experiencing unseasonably warm weather? It's 80 here.  Whew, it's warm!  Not going to lie, I'm glad this year since our costumes are more on the summery side.  Of course, now that I've said that we'll get a sudden cold snap and have it 50 degrees that night. :P

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I'm thinking if there was a movie I haven't seen that I want to see, I may go see that movie the night of Oct. 31. Hmm.

Any suggestions?


I wish I did. :( I haven't gone to a movie in forever, mostly because so much is rated R these days.  It is frustrating.



Maybe draw your blinds and huddle inside with a movie? 


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Hi ya, Scrap.


Lunch was a salad from the salad bar at the grocery store.


We spent all afternoon at the Sherlock Holmes exhibit at the science center.


I hope that your dh's interview went well.


We have a family tradition of a pizza/movie night on Halloween. We turn the porch lights off.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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