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Whoever suggested Snow Cake with Alan Rickman Thank You

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  • 3 weeks later...
I watched it last night and it was wonderful. What moving proformances. If I find out who suggested I promise to try to figure out the leave a positive reputation points thing and leave you one. As a side question how do you leave a positive reputation points for someone?


It was one of the best movies I've ever seen.

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  • 1 month later...
As a side question how do you leave a positive reputation points for someone?


Go into a post by them, then click on the little balance scale in the upper righthand corner of the post. That will allow you to leave positive rep. If you like, you can include a little comment and perhaps your name in the comment field before submitting your rep.

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I remember the recommendation for this movie, so my husband and I watched it a few weeks back.

We were both so disappointed. I thought it could have been a fantastic film if not for the poor direction. The camera angles were jarring, and I was certain, for about half the movie, that the director could not figure out how to transition from one scene to the next without using a vehicle entering from one side of the screen and leaving the other.

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This is a hijack, but...


if you want to see Alan Rickman when he was very young, check out his role as Tybalt in "Romeo and Juliet" (the BBC/Time-Life complete Shakespeare). He sounds just the same! I sprang it on my husband and he jumped about a foot in the air when Tybalt started speaking. :D

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