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Runners Unite! Here's your chance to check in...

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:D:oI played Volleyball since junior high all the way through College competitively, so I had always been very active. I started running in college and even got a baby jogger when my first one was born. Since then I have had 6 more kids, (7 in 9 years) 2 c -Sections and exercise has been non- exsistent since. I was about to give up the thought of being in shape again, when I thought I would start walking. ( I used to think this was a joke for exercise). I want to keep up with the kids and we love hiking so I need a plan.

Maybe this is the encouragement I need. I will check out the training website Colleen mentioned. At this point I am walking and have been adding a few minutes of running throughout the workout.


Thanks for the encouragment:p


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Add another to the club! I used to run regularly (about 5 years ago) and I loved it. When we moved from the pacific northwest to the midwest I hit a brick wall. I just couldn't get used to running in such extreme temps! Five years and 20lbs later, I am desparate to get back into running (whatever the temps!). I hate being out of shape. This Tuesday is the night! I am doing the couch to 5K program. Wish me luck. Hopefully, by summer, I will be running 3 miles on a regular basis. :p

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I started running almost three years ago. The first year I ran a 5K in the fall. Then, in 2006, my dh's job changed and he left so early that I had a hard time getting time in to run, so I only ran sporadically during that time.


I have finally learned to like the treadmill. I enjoy listening to John MacArthur, so I listen to him on my iPod when I run. I've been getting on the treadmill consistently since December. I've even gotten to run outside a couple of times.


I was surprised at how much I enjoy running. Once I get past that first mile, I feel like I could run forever - until my knees start to protest.;)


Nine-minute miles sounds fast to me. I aspire to ten minute miles. I'm pretty short, though, so I doubt I'll ever be fast. Losing that extra fifteen pounds that I put on during my "running hiatus" will certainly make me faster. And really, I feel a little funny calling what I do running. When I'm on the trail at the park, people pass me like I'm standing still.


I'm signed up to run a 5K on March 29, and would like to run my first half-marathon in September.

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  • 5 months later...
Several of my fellow runners have said they'd appreciate a weekly check-in. I'm not sure if I'll get around to starting the thread weekly, or whether it will always come on the same day. So let's just call this Runners Unite! and try to touch base every week or two, 'k? Posts get buried here pretty quickly, so I guess if no one unites with me;), I'll bump this up a couple of times.


So let's start by sharing a bit about our running endeavours. Some of you may know that I started running about 2 1/2 years ago after having my fifth c-section, followed by a double abdominal hernia repair. I ran track back in the dark ages, when I was in school, but I was never particularly good at any event. You know that saying about someone having to come in last? Yeah. That was me more often than not.:o Then when I was single, in my early 20s, I ran on an irregular basis; I always felt like a turtle compared to my friends who were into it. My point is just this: I am definitely not a natural when it comes to running. I emphasize that because some people find running intimidating, but I am proof that it can be done!:)


After my surgeries, it took me months to even be able to walk comfortably again. As I gained more mobility, I wanted to have a plan to follow ~ something to stick with and a goal to achieve. I used a 5K program from the coolrunning.com site. I love their plans and highly recommend them to new runners. So many people (including myself) try to tackle too much from the very beginning. Running a few minutes, alternately with walking, may seem like baby steps, but it's exactly what I needed. I physically coudn't do any more than that when I started. It was really exciting for me, then, to do a 5K about ten weeks into the program. Yeah!


I've been committed to running since that time. Sometimes the weather makes it tough (I only run outside). Sometimes my husband's schedule makes it hard. I've had injuries and illness sideline me. But I aim to run five days each week. Definitely didn't happen last fall, but I'm back in the groove now. I'm doing 20-25 miles a week and will probably run a half marathon in April ~ same one I did last year. Also, my family pays a nominal sum to be part of a running club and there are races once a month or so. They're small and family friendly; again, good motivational tools. My 8 year old and I enjoyed doing a 5K race last Saturday (in the lovely, wet, Washington woods ~ I have a couple of pics on my photo blog, www.colleen365.blogspot.com). Oh, I'm editing this to add that I'm really psyched to see my race times improve of late! I used to post 5K times right around 28 minutes, or 9 minute miles. Recently, that's dropped down to sub-26 minute races. I am not out to run fast, per se, but it's encouraging to see those lower times!


Okay, your turn. This is your chance to bend the ears of other runners and share your stories. Jump on board!


I am so not trying to pirate Colleen's original thread. It seems that we have united a commuity of sharing experiences of getting moving. So, what do you do about fitness? Jump on board and share your stories.

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