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Christians and Depression


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I think I am going to once again sound judgmental, but I think sometimes people who have not been there are impatient with the process of healing and can really hurt people by revealing that.


I have a friend whose daughter is now in residential treatment for mental illness. This friend left the church. She has not said it directly, but I think it is simultaneously really hard to deal with that and also have people misunderstand so much the time it takes to sort through these things. I think that they are in part hiding at a church where they are not known.  It is hard, so hard, to have people think there is a quick fix and get fatigued in caring for you when it stretches out to months and years.  I get the fatigue, but the church NEEDS to do better. We need to have people who are ready to come alongside. If we don't understand, we can do research, ask questions, and TRY to understand.   I am pursuing a ministry to train me to do this. 


I wanted to say to those upthread that have experienced less than the loving care God intends from their church/other Christians, I am so sorry. We are not all like that. 


So very true.


As an example, I was talking with a friend this week about our latest turmoil. She burst into tears and hugged me. She told me that she feels so bad for me and is always pulling for me. Later in the day she sent me an encouraging email with a Bible verse she thought would be encouraging. That's support.


Then today my beloved aunt called. Again, she expressed support and care. She reminded to care for myself and to be brave through the difficulties, that I have people who love me no matter what. She also told me to seek professional help if it gets too overwhelming, and indeed I am.


Tomorrow at a church event I'll probably be told over and over that they're praying for me. They only know the barest of details about what we're going through because they've been so critical of us. Blah. Nice though, but support me emotionally. 


I can completely understand leaving the church. My approach is to not share much there and focus on other Christian groups and friends.

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I flirt with the idea of sending my former dr a copy of stop the thyroid madness.)


IME, even if you send it, they won't read it.   They're too busy (literally) and you can't know what you're doing... you need to stop looking at anything on the internet (or books).  That does nothing but give one incorrect thoughts/ideas no matter how closely something might seem to match.  Then work at reducing the stress in your life.  ;)  Or I suppose, in the spirit of this thread, pray and read the Bible instead?

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