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viola sheet music?


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I'd like to get my daughter some viola sheet music - it's been years since she's played (well, she bought a viola this spring.  still, had hardly any time to play.)


she doesn't remember what level she was, and who knows when she'll forward me anything to be useful to determine what level.  (they're in process of buying a house, and she's started packing their apartment.)


so - for an average viola player who started in 5th grade and went through 12th - about what level?  no private  lessons (we couldn't  afford them.)


she's interested in baroque - mentioned mozart specifically.


thank you.

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Presumably she'll be playing alone... for self enjoyment... so I think she'd prefer playing the melody instead of a "part."   If it's been a while since she's played, she should start with easier, "fun" stuff.  If she'd like Christmas music (only a portion of it is religious, most of it is secular, I think, like Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree), this book was a big hit with my kids.  Huge variety.  Lots of "pop" Christmas and some jazzy stuff, too.  



There's also this Baroque Christmas book (Twelve English Carols): 


It's arranged for two violas, which means they give you the melody AND the harmony, so she could first play the melody and then, later, the harmony.


Another easy start might be some popular music or movie music.  My kids have enjoyed these:

Star Wars https://www.johnsonstring.com/cgi-bin/music/scripts/violin-viola-cello-music.cgi?itemno=VAWILLSTARWBCALF

Harry Potter https://www.johnsonstring.com/cgi-bin/music/scripts/violin-viola-cello-music.cgi?itemno=VAWILLHARRYCBCALF

a selection of melodies from famous movies: https://www.johnsonstring.com/cgi-bin/music/scripts/violin-viola-cello-music.cgi?itemno=VAVARITOPHITBCALF


Here's a Baroque anthology:



Famous composers of Baroque viola music (and transcriptions for viola) include: Bach, Telemann, Vivalidi, Marcello, and Handel.  I would also look for Lully, Boccherini, Purcell, Corelli, Pachelbel (Cannon!), and Rameau.


Mozart is not considered Baroque, but he is, of course, awesome.  Most of the Mozart stuff played by violists is ensemble (chamber) music.  There are some transcribed violin concertos, and one clarinet (I think), but if your dd hasn't played in a while, it might be biting off more than she can chew to jump in at that level, especially if she's never had private lessons. Here's a link to some of those ideas, though:



Hope you find what you're looking for!



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If she'd like Christmas music (only a portion of it is religious, most of it is secular, I think, like Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree), this book was a big hit with my kids.  Huge variety.  Lots of "pop" Christmas and some jazzy stuff, too.  


Well, THAT link didn't work.

Try this one:


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Mozart is not considered Baroque, but he is, of course, awesome.  Most of the Mozart stuff played by violists is ensemble (chamber) music.  There are some transcribed violin concertos, and one clarinet (I think), but if your dd hasn't played in a while, it might be biting off more than she can chew to jump in at that level, especially if she's never had private lessons. Here's a link to some of those ideas, though:


Oh well, for goodness sake!  That link didn't work either! 

Here we are: https://www.johnsonstring.com/cgi-bin/music/scripts/vvc-f.cgi?search=Viola-Sheet%20Music-Repertoire-mozart&desc1=VA&smstyle=ACSO&f=smstyle

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