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Accountability Thread: 9/18-9/24

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If you haven't heard the call of a nearby male peacock, in the dark, at the end of your driveway, while you're checking the mail with your tiny, 50-lumen flashlight, you haven't lived. Better than Alfred Hitchcock. Clears out sinuses, and all sorts of other things.


Our next door neighbor had one! He didn't have a female, and when breeding season arrived, that animal came over and started to try to court my chickens. He liked to sing his aria from the top of the hen house. At three in the morning. I caught him twice when he attempted to get my petrified chickens to acknowledge him as lord of the chickens. I trapped him in the house, and then let my poor girls out the front door, caught the peacock and took him back to his owners. He finally had to be given away, because he would not stay home.

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Our neighbors on the other side have about 20 guinea hens. It's a good thing we love the sounds they make, because we hear those all day and half the night. :) And yet another neighbor has a crazy donkey. Hilarious. It's like Noah's ark, all spread out. And behind the horses on the farm behind us (!) is a good-sized dairy farm. The cows and calves in the spring are a regular chorus of bawlers. The neighbor across the road has sheep, another has goats, and yet another has more horses.


We have no garden, no crops, and three house rabbits. :lol:  I guess we're still city folks. :blushing: We just look at the wildlife, we don't raise it, kill it, hunt it, pluck it, or eat it.


People seem to think of NJ as a super-city (with mafia, oooooo), and some of it is, but I just laugh when I hear the stereotypes. Yeah, yeah, Doll. Waddayouse want fuh suppah? Crack cocaine or corn-n-tuh-may-tuhs? The corn-and-tomatoes for supper is classic (South) Jersey, but the rest is NYC. We do have drugs, sadly. All around and right under our noses, trafficked right up through the state. I'd rather have snakes.


Anyway... back to the point here, ahem. :blushing:


Today's agenda:


Friday 9/23

Regular chores, meals, laundry, exercise, pets, hygiene, etc.

Some extra cleaning -- the girls need to work in their rooms and work a bit harder on doing their chores thoroughly

School Work -- Science, Composition, Grammar, Vocabulary, Spelling, Math (review), Bible (review), Assigned Independent Reading, Literature (read aloud), Piano/Recorder Practice (their choice), Composer Study, Choir Homework

Friday Fun -- tie-dye our autumn T-shirts; fruit smoothies (for the girls; I get a kale shake) :)

Edited by Sahamamama
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Friday -


Ds had his first test in college pre-calculus. He's supposed to get extra time for tests but I don't think he set it up in time. He has some kind of meeting with someone next week. Vague, I know, but he's in college now so I'm out of the loop. He's doing fine without me being in the loop, so I don't mind.


Dd -


No logic, grammar or world geography today since she got all the work done earlier in the week.


Algebra - Our first tears of the school year were not about the math itself but about semantics. She understood the math but didn't understand the English question despite my explanations. I knew we were talking about the same thing but she just could not see it.


Literature - She did just fine on the lit. book lesson. She also revised and handed in her final draft of her first essay. Was it the most sophisticated paper ever? No. But it was not bad and she did not melt down which is a huge victory. I had her work on just a few improvements.


Biology - Her first lab. She was supposed to design an experiment where you walk blindfolded. Which she did. She was wearing the blindfold. I was supposed to be guiding her by voice. Oops. I let her walk into a wall. Not on purpose! I was focused on a different part of the experiment! Then I looked behind us and one of the dogs was eating part of the experiment (cheerios). I was rushing after the dog to shoo him outside when our other dog came to see what was happening and decided to get in on the treats. Ai yai yai! But we saved the experiment. ;)


Japanese - We found what we needed to practice already entered in Quizlet and she worked (ie played) with that.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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