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Dog people - barking issue


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Hi guys,

I know that many/most of you are positive dog training people, which is what we mostly try to follow. One of my girls likes to bark when she plays. Now, if we had a huge piece of land, I probably wouldn't worry about it. But, we do live in a small suburban neighborhood, and now that the summer heat is winding down, I'd really like her to be able to play outside more, but she barks when she plays. She especially barks at one of my boy dogs, mostly because he really isn't interested in playing with her, although it will usually get him to chase her. (He's enabling her!) She is a large dog and has a large dog bark. I'm sure our neighbors think she is mauling someone. I'm not really sure what to do. I've read if they bark at you to just stop playing with them, but she doesn't do it at me. She barks big and plays big, so the idea of stopping her every time she is excited and putting her on some sort of a timeout does not sound fun. Is that what I need to be doing? Any other ideas?

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I think you have to get him to train her since he's the one she's barking at.  Our old dog trainer just made the dog sit every time they did something.  So she starts to bark, say sit and then reward and just do this conscientiously until she gets it.  That's what I would try.  

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I think you have to get him to train her since he's the one she's barking at.  Our old dog trainer just made the dog sit every time they did something.  So she starts to bark, say sit and then reward and just do this conscientiously until she gets it.  That's what I would try.  


I changed my post to say she barks at my boy dog vs. my boy. Does that change your answer? Regardless, what your saying sounds like I need to intervene in the dogs' playing....blah.... ;)


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Oops.  I didn't understand things quite, did I?  The thing with having more than one dog is they are doing their doggie alpha/pecking order thing.  I think that might complicate things.  We used to have two dogs and one would bark at the other (who had less energy and was more timid).  My trick was to bring one of the dogs in once the barking started.  But I wasn't consistent, so it was always irritating.  Sorry!  Not much help.

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Honestly I would not have a problem with this, I think that it's perfectly normal for dogs playing in a yard to bark at each other.  My feeling is that if I am going to let myself be bothered by that kind of thing, I am the one who should move into the boonies.  I'd just make sure it was kept to daylight hours.


However - I think I am somewhat in the minority these days.

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Honestly I would not have a problem with this, I think that it's perfectly normal for dogs playing in a yard to bark at each other.  My feeling is that if I am going to let myself be bothered by that kind of thing, I am the one who should move into the boonies.  I'd just make sure it was kept to daylight hours.



I agree.  My bigger dog does this with our little one when they play.  I go out with them and let them go at it for a while, maybe 10 minutes, and then we do something else (play ball, go to the mailbox, etc.)  Kids go out and make horrendous racket sometimes, too.  I would be considerate of timing if I had neighbors who did shift work or new babies, but 10 minutes of play barking is no worse than the leaf blowers/lawn mowers and other suburban noises.


My little dog, on the other hand, only barks when there is someone in a neighboring yard.  She runs to the fence and barks incessantly at their dogs.  I don't allow it (though she is only saying hello), so she has to come in and simply wait to go out when others aren't.  I haven't been able to train her not to bark, but she does come in on command (after much cookie training).


I think there is a HUGE difference in your dog barking in play in your yard and your dog standing at your fence barking at the neighbors. 

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I have two dogs that do their share of barking, but nonstop dog barking bugs the carp out of me. Now and then throughout the day for 5, 10, 15 minutes is fine. Or intermittent barking when someone walks by the house, for example is okay. We have neighbors, though, who I think leave their dog out and then go out themselves. The dog literally barks from the moment they leave until the moment they return. No joke it is sometimes 4 or 5 hours. That kind of thing I can't stand. What you're describing sounds perfectly acceptable.

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Gosh, you guys make me feel better. I agree that this does seem to be the minority these days. Everyone gets so offended so easily. Our dogs are not alone all day for hours on end, and in the grand scheme of the day, the barking is minimal, so maybe it really hasn't bothered anyone. I also don't leave them out when we are gone. We don't let them out to play like that after 7/8 pm or before about 7am. I'm just worried, lol. You guys have put me more at ease, though, so thank you.

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I agree.  My bigger dog does this with our little one when they play.  I go out with them and let them go at it for a while, maybe 10 minutes, and then we do something else (play ball, go to the mailbox, etc.)  Kids go out and make horrendous racket sometimes, too.  I would be considerate of timing if I had neighbors who did shift work or new babies, but 10 minutes of play barking is no worse than the leaf blowers/lawn mowers and other suburban noises.


My little dog, on the other hand, only barks when there is someone in a neighboring yard.  She runs to the fence and barks incessantly at their dogs.  I don't allow it (though she is only saying hello), so she has to come in and simply wait to go out when others aren't.  I haven't been able to train her not to bark, but she does come in on command (after much cookie training).


I think there is a HUGE difference in your dog barking in play in your yard and your dog standing at your fence barking at the neighbors. 


I always call mine in when they bark at people going by, as I think people find that kind of barking annoying.


I find it annoying though in another way - the reason the dogs bark is usually that someone is letting their dog walk right along the fence, or the kids are playing just on the other side.  Or, more recently since they put in a group mail box in the Spring, people are coming up close to the fence to get their mail.


I feel like of course they bark at these things, especially the dogs actually sticking their nose through the fence.  And I don't really care to tell people not to walk their dogs there - otherwise they have to walk right in the road.  But I know I'll be the one blamed if people are annoyed by the barking.

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