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Where do you find a food co-op?

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We found a coop through a referral from a friend. Theirs was too far away, but I contacted the place they bought from. Now we buy directly from a place (we're the coop) but we have to order a minimum of $350, which is less than many places. I heard of this place through another referral when our coop was folding because the wholesalers, who had merged to form a larger company, were becoming increasingly user unfriendly.


I mainly buy bulk items and things I can get for less than I would in the local stores. This wholesaler doesn't sell everything for less, mainly because they are so user friendly and you can often buy just one of things. I buy grains, beans, flours, dried fruit, rice pasta, etc in bulk for considerable savings. I can also get most of my green cleaners for less this way. I know many make their own cleaners, and I have from time to time, but I also like to support certain businesses and how some of these cleaners work.

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The natural foods co-op where I shop has a significant presence here; co-ops are pretty common in Western Washington so they're not difficult to find. If you don't mind posting where you live, maybe I can help you find something ~ or send me a private message if you'd prefer. Do try googling, too, as someone else suggested.

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All the co-ops with which I'm familiar, including the one where I shop, allow anyone to shop there. The shelf prices, though, are what members pay. Non-members pay a somewhat higher price. Membership at my co-op isn't particularly pricey, and we get an annual dividend based on our purchases throughout the year.

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I tried to Google a bit, but didn't really find anything like you all were describing. I'm in Utah though, so we don't always have the great resources others have.


It sounds like a nice idea, I wish I could find something similar.


We have such a small budget, I'd like a way to afford more healthy foods.


Thanks all!



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We're in one that has organic meats, eggs, cheese, some produce, and few other products. I found out about it from a friend that runs the local Breadbeckers co-op. I had been running around to different places getting things, and didn't realize that there was a co-op that handled most of what I needed with a monthly local drop-off point. The prices and quality are generally better than grocery and health food store items.


I order online with a $50 minimum and a $5 delivery fee, and then they drop it off at at a hosting home which is about 10 minutes away from me. She calls when it arrives, and you're expected to go get it immediately or provide her with an ice chest to hold it.

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There is a local dropoff point for the monthly order form, and again to pick up the order. Co-op members are supposed to do a job to be a part of the club. I help unload the truck. Although there is a minimum order for the club, here is no minimum order per individual. We have enough members (with large orders) to not have to worry about meeting the minimum. We split produce orders on pickup day.

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I have a related question about food coops, though. Do you have to be a member to shop in a coop? Sort of like Sam's Club? Or can anyone go in and shop?


There are different kinds of coops. The ones I've belonged to are groups of families who buy and everyone pays what the wholesaler charges, plus any shipping charges. Right now my immediate family and I are the entire coop because there don't seem to be a lot of people in this immediate area who are interested.

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