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If you use FLL, what will you use after FLL 4?


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I know I am thinking way ahead as my DS is only in FLL 1/2, but I was wondering what comes aafter FLL 4? Would you go into a program such as Rod & Staff 5? Thanks :)



I will use R&S 5. We have always used R&S, but I've been using FLL with my 8yo simply because *I* needed a change. The idea of going through R&S 3 for the umpteenth time just wasn't exciting to me. FLL has been a refreshing change. Anyway, I'll definitely go back to R&S after FLL4 as we've been so pleased with the results in our other children.

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I might consider Easy Grammar/Daily Grams except I'd prefer to keep diagramming and I don't think that one does. I'll also consider JAG and AG. I'm sure I'll look at R&S, but so far I haven't been drawn to it. Maybe it would be fun to take a year to look at Queens or ILL for something very different and then go to AG after that. I don't know, I'm pretty open right now.

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