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will Kiwi Crate help me with my craft aversion?


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I'm a creative person, I write, knit, doodle, sketch.  I love art, we have nice water colors and prisma color pencils.


My 6 year olds (appropriately!!) love googly eyes, pipe cleaners and GLITTER.  :glare:


They talked me into buying a "Giant Craft Jar!" from Costco the other day, because Costco + hunger = bad decisions.


Anyways...they LOVE it.  They are crafting fools.  I don't mind it because they are away from the t.v. and mostly not fighting.  I know I can just go and buy random craft supplies, but I like that the subscription services send everything you need along with instructions.  I'll be honest, I'm bad at following through things I pin, I need the "Giant Craft Jar!" staring me in the face before I actually get to crafting.


So long story short, has anyone used Kiwi Crate?  What do you think?  I know these things are often a waste of money so I want to be sure it's worth it.

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We have used Kiwi Crate - we had a subscription for a year. We also buy our next year's supply of Kiwi, Tinker and Doodle Crates a la carte when they do their big sale around cyber Monday. 


I really like these products. The materials they include are nice and high quality. There's usually a bit extra left over. EVERYTHING you need except possibly scissors, glue, or like, a sharpie is always included. The instructions are great and obviously tested on real people. They also come with a book of ideas for ways to expand on the project. 


Out of dozens of crates, I'm not sure we've ever had a dud. 

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I too, am crafty! There are so many things just begging to be created...


But, as I was cleaning out the house this year, I realized that I had amassed an unbelievable amount of craft "junk." This can be both good and bad. Freedom to create what you please but then the dining furniture ends up covered with glued on pom poms. I had to let go of some of the craft supplies (among our other junk) to have some semblance of harmony in our living space.


Kiwi Crate is nice that it includes most of the supplies so that you don't have worry about scrounging for supplies or maintaining a craft closet. You pretty much open the box and go. Sure, I could make the projects myself from scratch but it is nice to outsource this one thing and focus my DIY energy in another area. It would save me time from making a trip to the craft store for supplies and that is worth some of the cost. The materials are of pretty good quality. Even the packaging it arrives in is very sturdy and we reuse the box to send care packages to friends. Because the projects are self contained and portable we can bring one along on our trips to do in the hotel or hospital waiting room (for Papa). We just make sure to always travel with scissors in checked luggage. :) We have started trying out the Tinker Crates too since DD likes to build little contraptions.


Sometimes the crates go on sale as pp mentioned so you can buy one or a couple to try out first before committing to a subscription.

Edited by Hammfried
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Do a short trial (I think you can probably get your first month at a discount) to see how you like it. We did it a few years back, and while I like that it was the idea + materials, I ended up dropping it in favor of buying random supplies from the dollar store and letting them have at it. My kids are 7, 5, 2 now, but at the time I think they were 5 and 3? Or maybe 4/2? I DONT KNOW


I can see me adding a short subscription or buying some a la carte kits to help us get through that horrible time of year known as January - March.



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We order the Doodle Crate for older kids and my 12 yr old dd absolutely loves them.  I love them too because all of the materials are included, the directions are clear and concise so she can craft away to her heart's content without needing my help, and all of the crafts have been cute and displayable.  Win!


Thanks for the info about the cyber Monday sales, Sk8ermaiden!  I didn't know about that. 

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