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How far in advance.....Washington DC question


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I think the only thing we got tickets for was the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, where you can take a tour to see how they print money. They issue same-day tickets at a booth that is located around the back of the building. We had to search for the booth, which was annoying; it is not near the entrance to get in. We got to pick the time of the tour.


We went first thing in the morning, because we had heard that on some days the tour tickets are all taken within a short time after the booth opens. We did have to wait a short while for our tour, but we used that time to walk to the Jefferson Memorial.


Everything else we did was ticket-less. I think if you want to go up in the Washington Monument or take a tour of the White House, you need to arrange for those in advance, but I don't know how.


I suggest getting a tour book from the library (which is what we did) or purchasing one that you can mark up and take with you on your trip. It would answer a lot of your questions and give you a better picture of what you might want to do, out of the many options.  There are so many things to do that you will have to make choices.

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You can also get tickets ahead of time for the National Archives and avoid waiting in line. If you want to see any sporting events, plays, etc., obviously you'll want tickets for those.


White House, Congress, Supreme Court are incredibly difficult to get and you need to know someone or set it up through your Congressperson.

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Our congressperson has a website for people from our state planning to visit DC. We were able to request tickets by checking boxes of venues we wanted to visit and giving them a date range when we would be in town. Your state surely has something similar. Start by finding the web pages of your state's US senators or representatives. We got White House tickets, but be aware you have to share a lot of personal information in your request for them.

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