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Poll: Illegal downloading movies/TV shows

Illegal downloading movies/TV shows  

  1. 1. Illegal downloading movies/TV shows

    • I do it, and I think it's OK
    • I do it, but I do not think it's OK
    • I do not do it, but I think it's OK
    • I do not do it, and I do not think it's OK
    • Other, please elablorate

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What would you do if you purchased a DVD only to discover it was a pirated copy? My DH did this not too long ago. He had been looking for a hard to find movie and found a copy at what he believed to be a legitimate online store, but when he recieved the DVD it was an obvious copy.:glare:


If the film had never been released on DVD, then he should have known he was buying a fake. Caveat emptor. Learned this through couple unpleasant ebay experiences where I was searching for items unfamiliar to me that were on kids' gift lists. Counterfeit sellers use code jargon that can tip one off. For example, "the disk is shipped in sleeve to lower shipping cost."


If item had been released on DVD, then I would ask for a refund. In that case, I guess only way to know is to directly ask seller if disk is an original.


As a result of our ebay experiences, we now purchase only through reputable dvd retailers like Amazon (not Amazon Marketplace) or netflix.com.

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There are artists, like The Barenaked Ladies, who favour downloading. It expands their audience and fanbase and sells tickets when they're touring. It builds audiences for some smaller artists who otherwise can't get distribution.


This harms artists because of the business model of entertainment industries, a business model that mosly rewards the distribution companies. Some artists are changing that model through downloading and I think it might be interesting to see where they go.


Perhaps because ticket sales makes an artist far more money than record sales. I prefer to d/l my music because I can be selective.

I am not condoning illegal copyright - I pay for my music downloads.

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i have downloaded tv shows if, and only if, the shows are not available online. i've paid for episodes of Lost that i've missed. i watch online even if it means sitting through online commericials. but sometimes a show i like is not popular enough, i guess, to make it available online - those i will try to find. the only ones i can think of i did this for were The Bionic Woman, and the original Law & Order series. last season L&O did an episode on the "foot tapping bathroom politician." L&O isn't online and for some reason, though they repeated episodes MANY times last season, this one never repeated. and i could never find a torrent of it because i didn't know the episode number.


i pay for all downloaded music.


LOST is available for free on ABC.com which owns the copyright for it. You shouldn't have to pay for episodes of LOST. This might only be the current and/or last season, however.

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LOST is available for free on ABC.com which owns the copyright for it. You shouldn't have to pay for episodes of LOST. This might only be the current and/or last season, however.
I think you have to pay for it if you want to download it (as opposed to streaming video) to see on an iPod or some other device.
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I think you have to pay for it if you want to download it (as opposed to streaming video) to see on an iPod or some other device.

Or ANY device in our case, our satellite internet connection may be the best we can do in our rural area but it does not support streaming of TV shows. Illegal is illegal in my mind and we don't DL movies from the euro and russian sites that allow for this. But luckily we're not that desperate because I also don't believe the current model reflects anything but an "upper class has access to info and lower class does not" market model and if it came down to it, I might consider it a matter of civil disobedience of some sort. When it's just that I can't stream Battlestar off of the scifi website and I have to pay for it on iTunes, well, I don't start whining over that. :D


However, someone in an urban environment not only may have a higher income simply due to location, they also likely have access to fast and cheap internet service. Yet, I have to pay more for these services for the privilege of staying near my rural home and family. It's something I haven't worked thru entirely yet. When it comes to educational information streams, documentaries and lectures (Discovery, e.g.), and news information, well, I hope that my libraries can offer public access on their computers in the near future because many people here can't afford these things let alone the technology to support them.

(Sorry, my connection also doesn't allow for me to quickly read thru all the pages here so I apologize if I start rehashing something previously discussed. )

Music and films are a type of information. As a former working musician and studio-slave, I prefer the decentralized model of artists getting paid from DL's rather than old-fashioned record company distribution models which are not particularly designed to provide and artist with lifetime employment. :glare:

However, most of the iTunes material I download, I can be certain that of the dollar I'm paying, the artists is probably getting, what? a nickel if he/she's lucky. that stinks. But if the particular artists contract supports a songwriter and others working in the company, it's hard to argue that they shouldn't be paid for work also, but having been in that business, it's mostly a model where executives get the big bucks.

See for more info, take note of the "They're Broke" section:



"It's a dangerous mistake to substitute law for ethics. " <- agreed.


I don't interface well with authority figures either. so fwiw, i don't do illegal DL'ing and I try not to speed. - Jill

Edited by Jill
not ediiting, just apologizing for my TERRIBLE sentence structures...
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I haven't read all the posts. . .I really don't want to know. . .I don't want it to negatively effect the opinion have of anyone.


But on behalf of all the musicians out there (and actors too!). . .


THANK YOU to those who don't!!!!!


That is all. . .I will not get on my soapbox. . .I will not get on my soapbox. . .I will not get on my soapbox. . .

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That is all. . .I will not get on my soapbox. . .I will not get on my soapbox. . .I will not get on my soapbox. . .
Soapboxes are OK as long as you occasionally step off. ;)
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