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IEW Writing Intensive A: How young?


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It says grades 3-5, but I'm hesitant about using it with my 3rd grader. Without having seen the program in person though, it's hard for me to know. At that age, it seems like doing a formal writing progam like that would require so much hand holding.


I'll for sure be using it with my 5th grader!

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Well, it can be modified so that it isn't so intense.  You can introduce it with both but do less with the 3rd grader if you think it will be too much.  Are you getting it anyway for the 5th grader?  I think once you have the material in hand you will see that it scaffolds the instructor and the student quite well.  

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Well, it can be modified so that it isn't so intense.  You can introduce it with both but do less with the 3rd grader if you think it will be too much.  Are you getting it anyway for the 5th grader?  I think once you have the material in hand you will see that it scaffolds the instructor and the student quite well.  


Good to know. Thank you! The other thing I consider about things like this is would it be best to wait a year or so because then they'll get so much more out of it at that time, you know? Sigh. 

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Good to know. Thank you! The other thing I consider about things like this is would it be best to wait a year or so because then they'll get so much more out of it at that time, you know? Sigh. 

Awe, well that depends more on the individual child I think but yes, I get what you are saying.  I guess you could start them out with it and if they seem to be thriving, keep going.  Some kids, once they get the structure down, take off with writing.  Others aren't yet ready.  Hard to know until you try unless your child is very obviously not ready for a formal writing program.  Maybe start it and if your child is not thriving, wait a year and start again...?

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Awe, well that depends more on the individual child I think but yes, I get what you are saying.  I guess you could start them out with it and if they seem to be thriving, keep going.  Some kids, once they get the structure down, take off with writing.  Others aren't yet ready.  Hard to know until you try unless your child is very obviously not ready for a formal writing program.  Maybe start it and if your child is not thriving, wait a year and start again...?


That's a really great plan. Thank you!!


Confession time: I tend to wait it out now because my first in almost everything was not ready. It was so tough. I tried, stopped, and started just about everything over and over. But I've discovered that some of my kids would have been fine and even thrived doing things sooner than first DS. I'm trying to correct that in myself. So I appreciate the advice more than you know. Thank you!

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That's a really great plan. Thank you!!


Confession time: I tend to wait it out now because my first in almost everything was not ready. It was so tough. I tried, stopped, and started just about everything over and over. But I've discovered that some of my kids would have been fine and even thrived doing things sooner than first DS. I'm trying to correct that in myself. So I appreciate the advice more than you know. Thank you!

I TOTALLY understand what you are saying, LOL.  My kids are so asynchronous.  Where one thrived early and would have done better if I had just let them run with stuff, the other struggled so I sometimes accidentally held the second back.  And vice a versa.  Or pushed harder than I should have because it was so easy for the other one.  And everything in between.  :)


If only we were given a crystal ball at the birth of each child...or better yet that really awesome, super well organized all encompassing operating manual for children I thought came with all kids...mine must have gotten lost in the mail and I've been playing catch up ever since.   :lol:

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If you go slowly, I think it should be fine. My older daughter uses mostly 3rd grade or so in other LA stuff, and we're fine with SWI-A... BUT I let her type her final copy, otherwise I hear hand-fatigue related moaning.

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I think SWI-A is completely fine with a third grader.  If you need to make the following adjustments:

1. Read through the sample text together beforehand.

2. Key word outline together.

3. For kids with handwriting issues, scribe or type.


You can't help too much. Pudewa says that over, and over, and over in TWSS. Scaffold as much as you want to.


I have my 5th and 2nd grader both doing IEW units at the same time. I'm just adjusting the material. My 2nd grader will be using SWI-A.  She is a very average student, and I won't use all of the units in the program.  My 5th grader is going to be stretched a bit more with harder source material and less scaffolding.  I will still not do all of the units with my 5th grader, but we'll do more than with my 2nd grader who will hang out longer in doing key word outlines, paragraphs, and intros and conclusions.

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I TOTALLY understand what you are saying, LOL.  My kids are so asynchronous.  Where one thrived early and would have done better if I had just let them run with stuff, the other struggled so I sometimes accidentally held the second back.  And vice a versa.  Or pushed harder than I should have because it was so easy for the other one.  And everything in between.   :)


If only we were given a crystal ball at the birth of each child...or better yet that really awesome, super well organized all encompassing operating manual for children I thought came with all kids...mine must have gotten lost in the mail and I've been playing catch up ever since.   :lol:


LOL. So much wisdom and understanding here. This is the kind of things we homeschool mamas need to hear. Thank you for sharing.


I teach an IEW class for third graders at our co-op. We go really slowly and usually only do the first 5 units. It is just a matter of making it fit your child, and sometimes being their scribe. Remember that it is intended to be used year over year in more depth each time, so you are just introducing it to your child.


This is great. I do well with specific goals.Thank you!


If you go slowly, I think it should be fine. My older daughter uses mostly 3rd grade or so in other LA stuff, and we're fine with SWI-A... BUT I let her type her final copy, otherwise I hear hand-fatigue related moaning.


Oh, that's good. Thank you!


I think SWI-A is completely fine with a third grader.  If you need to make the following adjustments:

1. Read through the sample text together beforehand.

2. Key word outline together.

3. For kids with handwriting issues, scribe or type.


You can't help too much. Pudewa says that over, and over, and over in TWSS. Scaffold as much as you want to.


I have my 5th and 2nd grader both doing IEW units at the same time. I'm just adjusting the material. My 2nd grader will be using SWI-A.  She is a very average student, and I won't use all of the units in the program.  My 5th grader is going to be stretched a bit more with harder source material and less scaffolding.  I will still not do all of the units with my 5th grader, but we'll do more than with my 2nd grader who will hang out longer in doing key word outlines, paragraphs, and intros and conclusions.


Thank you! Those are great! I enjoyed hearing how you're making it work for your family.

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I have an 8-year-old 3rd grader who is doing fine with IEW. SWI-A She didn't have a lot of interest in some of the subject content, but I purchased the TWSS too, so there were supplements at all levels and we were able to find things she liked better. She is not a strong writer so I let her type. 

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