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We might be going Wii -- HELP!!!

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I think we paid $249 last year for a Wii console, or whatever the actual list price was. Bought it at Toys R Us.


I called around to many area stores every morning when they opened: a couple of each - Wal Mart, Target, K-Mart, Best Buy, Gamestop, Toys R Us. I talked to the person in the electronics department because I found that the folks who answer the phones don't usually know if the store has Wii in stock. I asked them every morning if they knew when a shipment would be coming in. They never knew ahead of time. Finally found a store that had two in stock, and the salesperson told me to get there NOW or they would be sold within 30 minutes of our conversation.


I hurried and bought one. The guy who came in right before me was buying the other one when I got there. It was great timing because I had just disappointed the kids the night before when I told them I could not find a Wii, so they wouldn't be getting one for Christmas. Boy, were they surprised and thrilled at Christmas!


I bought extra controllers and nunchuks (so we had one set for each kid), a few games (Mario Galaxy, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Need for Speed - a special request, Super Smash Bros. Brawl), and a charger -- all from Amazon, all readily available everywhere. I wanted to get 2 Wii wheels and Mario Kart and DDR for the Wii, but I ran out of money.


Scroll down to the product description here & read the customer reviews as well, and you will know more than I do:




When I choose games, I read the Amazon customer reviews because my kids (when they were younger) loved some games I never would have thought would hold their interest: Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, and Mario Kart, for example. Conversely, some games I thought sounded great were soundly rated thumbs-down by kids who posted their reviews on Amazon. Once I selected a game, I read reviews on other sites (found by doing a Google search) to be sure I was not wasting my money.



Edited by RoughCollie
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to get a better idea of what you're getting into! Try a google search for Wii and see what the official website has to say. That's where I've researched games before we've bought them. I felt the same way when we decided to jump into getting a Wii. Not that I'm an expert, but here's my two-cents.


The Wii itself is like a small DVD player without a screen--it was a lot smaller than I was expecting it to be, considering it cost $250 (last year that was the going price). The games are CDs and cost $30-$60. Most of the games my kids have wanted are $50. When we bought ours it came with one Wii remote and one nunchuk (which is an attachment to the remote that you need for certain types of games--giving you different types of movements). It also came with one game--Wii Sports--which has baseball, tennis, boxing, golf, and bowling. These physical types of games are the reason we finally relented to buying this system...it really does get quite physical so don't pull any muscles!


We purchased an additional remote so that we can play two-person games--we're even thinking of getting more so we can all get in on the action, but I remember they were quite pricey. We have purchased a few additional games--my kids' favorites are Lego Star Wars, Lego Indiana Jones, and Madden 08 Football. The worst one we bought was Horsez--it's just really lame and not worth the $30 we spent on it. We've thought of Dance Dance Revolution, because I've heard that it is by far the most physical, but I need to look into that and see if it's appropriate for our ages or not.


Have fun figuring it all out...the hardest thing we've faced with it all is enforcing the limits of use! But it has been a great motivator when we need something done and they can earn minutes on the Wii.

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If you decide to get an additional remote (highly recommended) consider getting a game called Wii Play. It comes with a remote included, so it's a great deal. The game is just so-so, but getting the additional remote is nice.


I'd also check out rechargable batteries for them, whether a charging station or just some basic rechargable AAs.


Fun games that are hits at our house are the Wii Fit, any Mario game, and the few sports games we've tried. You can rent games from Blockbuster to try them first. Good luck and enjoy it. I love to play ours!!

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We've added to our collection over time, so its hard to remeber what we have paid. We orginally bought the game console plus additional wii remote and nunchuk. It was really nice to have two controllers so the kids could virtually box each other. Wii Sports comes with the console and is enough with the additional remote to get you through a month or so before you start looking for something different.

We added the rechargeable battery stand for the two remotes and found that it was a very wise investment. The wii remotes eat through AA batteries if you are using them frequently. We also added another 2 wii remotes with nunchuks (figured out later that the additional nunchuks were a bit of a waste). We love to play a game called Mario Party which all 4 of us can play together. Another favorite game is Big Brain Academy. Our two daughters are young, but can play both of these fine. For my birthday we have recently added Wii Fit. This is a balance board (think game controller that you stand on). These are very fun, but a little harder to find. We do have Dance Dance Revolution which is a mat controller that you dance on. It is a little different from the verison in the video arcade as you hold the wii remote with the nunchuk in your hands and add hand movements to the feet movements. The girls were too young for this one, and mom and dad just don't move like that. Good for a few laughs, but I think this is more for the tween/teen set.


Hope that helps....BTW you can order some of the old nintendo games off the internet with your wii. We have Super Mairo Brothers and other classics that my husband and I enjoy. No physical activity involved in those :)

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