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How do YOU know when it is time to go to the hospital when in labor?

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That seems like such a dumb question coming from one expecting #7, but seriously, I never get it right. :lol: Well, I did, once. My ideal would to be showing up 5-6 cm, not quite in transition, and then to spend only 2-4 hours laboring and having the baby. This happened with #4. All of the others I went way too early and then ended up in the hospital/ birth center laboring for 12+ hours ( my labors are long).


So, what is your threshhold? Is it timing of contractions, is it your mood, is it your water breaking?


Also, what are signs that you have experienced that labor was imminent? I am having contractions, and there are other signs, but nothing regular or definitive.



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I'm so glad to see you! I have been wondering about you dear.


Please don't wait until your water breaks. From personal experience, I would think your precious bundle will come quickly after your water breaks. And I have never had quick labors until this last one. Having said that, I've only ever had one of my seven break water prior to transition or artificially.


If I had waited at home until my water broke, I wouldn't have made it to the hospital. Actually, I probably wouldn't have had emergency personnel make it to the house in time either. It was an eye opener for me. I am NOT a home birth type of person. Labor and Delivery nurses have every horrible, emergency birth they've ever witnessed firmly planted in their minds.


I don't know how you feel about hospitals but I like to be there when my contractions are regular- 2-3 minutes. I usually get to 3-4 cm before labor ever starts, so ideally I would be in regular contractions but not intense labor when I leave the house.


My dh and I usually bring a couple of comedy DVDs and make the most of the waiting time.


Oh! I'm so excited for you! Keep us posted.



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I'm so glad to see you! I have been wondering about you dear.


Please don't wait until your water breaks. From personal experience, I would think your precious bundle will come quickly after your water breaks. And I have never had quick labors until this last one. Having said that, I've only ever had one of my seven break water prior to transition or artificially.


If I had waited at home until my water broke, I wouldn't have made it to the hospital. Actually, I probably wouldn't have had emergency personnel make it to the house in time either. It was an eye opener for me. I am NOT a home birth type of person. Labor and Delivery nurses have every horrible, emergency birth they've ever witnessed firmly planted in their minds.


I don't know how you feel about hospitals but I like to be there when my contractions are regular- 2-3 minutes. I usually get to 3-4 cm before labor ever starts, so ideally I would be in regular contractions but not intense labor when I leave the house.


My dh and I usually bring a couple of comedy DVDs and make the most of the waiting time.


Oh! I'm so excited for you! Keep us posted.




Hey there my friend. Glad to see you here too. Not to worry the L&D nurse in you. My water has never broken on its own, so I don't think that will be an issue.


I am having about 4 contrations an hour- they take my breath away, make me uncomfortable and irritable, but don't really hurt. Deifinitely not in active labor. I could stay like this for DAYS, so I am not packing my bags-- actually they are about half way packed anyway.


I am only 37 1/2 weeks, so it is a smidge early, but #3 came during this week, and #5 was already born, but #6 was 10 day over, so I have really been all over the place so I don't know what to expect. I usually don't leave in intense labor either, but then I am only 2-3. I wasn't really in intense labor with #4 either, and her birth was picture perfect.


Friends have a shower-- yes a shower for #7 (though it is 1st boy in 10 years) so it would be the way things go if I went into labor today or tomorrow. We'll see. Hope you are doing well, Jo. Hugs to you.

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First, I pray that God will give me the wisdom and that He will get me there in time.


Second, I sit and think about the contractions (the timing) and whether or not I can think or talk through them (intensity).


My midwife at the hospital was so pleased w/ my instinct for my last birth...my baby boy was delivered 45 minutes after we arrived at the hospital.


It was great because I am a v-bac, and the hospital didn't have enough time to get me a babysitter (someone who sits next to me and literally stares at the fetal monitor and me..LOL).


After my baby was born, I wanted to say "nah, nah-nah, nah-nah."





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It was great because I am a v-bac, and the hospital didn't have enough time to get me a babysitter (someone who sits next to me and literally stares at the fetal monitor and me..LOL).


After my baby was born, I wanted to say "nah, nah-nah, nah-nah."






I had to laugh at this. My first two were c-sections so my doctors always make me consent to all that stuff before they will "allow" me to try a VBAC. With my 3rd, they were so pokey getting me to a room that she was born in the bathroom (hence no monitoring). #4 I got there at the same stage as #3 but she was slower coming out and I had to deal with the monitor and an IV in my hand for over an hour (not that long for some but extremely annoying for me). I didn't want a repeat of that with #5 so I waited to go in (plus it was a much easier labor and I didn't realaize just how fast things were moving). I arrived in late transition and she was born about 10 mintues after getting into my room. No monitoring but they did manage to jab the IV in my hand about 2 contractions before she came out.


As far as when to go to the hospital, I have gone when the contractions were strong enough that I had to focus and breath just to get through them.

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Well, I always have complications, so I went to the hospital when the doctor told me to.


With 2 of them, I had HELLP syndrome and I knew labor was imminent when the pitocin kicked in. :glare:


With the other one, I had contractions 2-5 minutes apart from 30 weeks on. The night they were strong enough to wake me up several times, I figured this was the real deal. But instead of going to the hospital, I called my OB's office and asked if I could please come get checked there, because I didn't want to go to the hospital again unless I was coming out with a baby. (I'd already been there a few times with dehydration.) We had a baby at 1:00 that afternoon. :001_smile:

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