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Preparing for Latin in 6th, Vocabulary programs now?

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I would like to start my oldest two (or at least DS) in a Latin program beginning in 6th grade.  He will be 5th grade this upcoming year.  Can anybody suggest a good vocabulary program that we could use this year that would set the stage for Latin instruction down the road?


I was looking at WordBuild...

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Most beginning Latin programs assume no prior knowledge, so you should be right if you just want to jump in during 6th grade.


However, I would suggest English from the Roots Up. We do this together during our morning basket time (my older two girls are doing their own level of Latin, so this is why I am using EFTRU with everyone). We are really enjoying this book and finding it extremely useful :) I add one new word each school day, and review the other words.


I know you asked for a vocab program, but another option could be Getting Started with Latin. A lot of homeschoolers like this program. It is a great gentle introduction to Latin :)

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I would work on solid English grammar.


GSWL is a fantastic intro that will lay a Latin founation in the most efficient manner possible, though most programs do not require prior experience.


I don't understand the point of an English vocabulary program for the purpose of Latin success. It's the other way around.

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